Short Title

Short Title in the United States

The words Short Title usually appear before the official name of the statute.

Short Title

Legislative Definition of Short Title

This Congressional concept is provided by the United States Congress website as a a basic reference document: In addition to an official title, a bill may be assigned one or more short titles upon introduction, committee or chamber action, or enactment. Short titles may name all or portions of the bill’s content. In a display of titles, those that describe the entirety of the bill version appear under a bolded heading (e.g., Short Titles as Passed House), followed by those, if any, that describe portions of the bill. Short titles may change as the bill moves through the legislative process.

Short Title

In Legislation

Short Title in the U.S. Code: Title 21, Chapter 9, Subchapter I

The current, permanent, in-force federal laws regulating short title are compiled in the United States Code under Title 21, Chapter 9, Subchapter I. It constitutes “prima facie” evidence of statutes relating to Drugs (including short title) of the United States. The reader can further narrow his/her legal research of the general topic (in this case, Food Safety of the US Code, including short title) by chapter and subchapter.


See also

official title and popular title.