To designate March 26, 1991, as “Education Day, U.S.A.”

To designate March 26, 1991, as “Education Day, U.S.A.” in the United States

To designate March 26, 1991, as “Education Day, U.S.A.”

Act Details

To designate March 26, 1991, as “Education Day, U.S.A.” was, as a bill, a proposal (now, a piece of legislation) introduced on 1991-01-31 in the House of Commons and Senate respectively of the 102 United States Congress by Robert Henry Michel in relation with: Anniversaries, Education, Judaism, Special days.

To designate March 26, 1991, as “Education Day, U.S.A.” became law (1) in the United States on 1991-03-20. It was referred to the following Committee(s): (2)

House Post Office and Civil Service (HSPO)


Robert Henry Michel, member of the US congress
Robert Henry Michel, Republican, Representative from Illinois

The proposal had the following cosponsors:

Neil Abercrombie, Democrat, Representative, from Hawaii, district 1
Robert Ernest Andrews, Democrat, Representative, from New Jersey, district 1
Frank Annunzio, Democrat, Representative, from Illinois
Bill Archer, Representative, from Texas, district 7
Leslie Aspin, Democrat, Representative, from Wisconsin

Cass Ballenger, Republican, Representative, from North Carolina, district 10
Herbert Harvell Bateman, Republican, Representative, from Virginia, district 1
Helen Delich Bentley, Republican, Representative, from Maryland
Howard Lawrence Berman, Democrat, Representative, from California, district 26
Tom Bevill, Democrat, Representative, from Alabama
James Hubert Bilbray, Democrat, Representative, from Nevada
Tom Bliley, Representative, from Virginia, district 7
Sherwood Louis Boehlert, Republican, Representative, from New York, district 23
Robert Anthony Borski, Democrat, Representative, from Pennsylvania, district 3
Frederick C. Boucher, Democrat, Representative, from Virginia, district 9
William S. Broomfield, Republican, Representative, from Michigan
George Edward Brown, Democrat, Representative, from California, district 42
Terry Lee Bruce, Democrat, Representative, from Illinois
Jim Bunning, Senator, from Kentucky, district 4
Dan Burton, Representative, from Indiana, district 6
Dave Camp, Representative, from Michigan, district 4
Benjamin Louis Cardin, Democrat, Senator, from Maryland, district 3
Thomas Richard Carper, Democrat, Senator, from Delaware
Milton Robert (bob) Carr, Democrat, Representative, from Michigan
Rodney Dennis Chandler, Republican, Representative, from Washington
Jim Chapman, Democrat, Representative, from Texas
Bob Clement, Representative, from Tennessee, district 5
Howard Coble, Republican, Representative, from North Carolina, district 6
Cardiss Collins, Democrat, Representative, from Illinois
Jerry Francis Costello, Democrat, Representative, from Illinois, district 12
Philip Miller Crane, Republican, Representative, from Illinois, district 8
Peter Anthony Defazio, Democrat, Representative, from Oregon, district 4
Rosa L. Delauro, Democrat, Representative, from Connecticut, district 3
Ronald V. Dellums, Democrat, Representative, from California, district 9
Norman Devalois Dicks, Democrat, Representative, from Washington, district 6
Brian Joseph Donnelly, Democrat, Representative, from Massachusetts
Robert Kenneth Dornan, Republican, Representative, from California
John J. Duncan, Republican, Representative, from Tennessee, district 2
Bernard James Dwyer, Democrat, Representative, from New Jersey
Mervyn Malcolm Dymally, Democrat, Representative, from California
Joseph Daniel Early, Democrat, Representative, from Massachusetts
Dennis Edward Eckart, Democrat, Representative, from Ohio
Norvell William (bill) Emerson, Republican, Representative, from Missouri
Ben Erdreich, Democrat, Representative, from Alabama
Alphonso Michael (mike) Espy, Democrat, Representative, from Mississippi
Lane Allen Evans, Democrat, Representative, from Illinois, district 17
Dante Bruno Fascell, Democrat, Representative, from Florida
Harris W. Fawell, Republican, Representative, from Illinois, district 13
Victor Herbert Fazio, Democrat, Representative, from California, district 3
Edward Farrell Feighan, Democrat, Representative, from Ohio
Jack Milton Fields, Republican, Representative, from Texas
Hamilton Fish, Republican, Representative, from New York
Thomas Michael Foglietta, Democrat, Representative, from Pennsylvania, district 1
Jonas Martin Frost, Democrat, Representative, from Texas, district 24
Dean Anderson Gallo, Republican, Representative, from New Jersey
Samuel Gejdenson, Democrat, Representative, from Connecticut, district 2
George William Gekas, Republican, Representative, from Pennsylvania, district 17
Richard Andrew Gephardt, Democrat, Representative, from Missouri, district 3
Benjamin Arthur Gilman, Republican, Representative, from New York, district 20
Newt Gingrich, Representative, from Georgia, district 6
Barton Jennings Gordon, Democrat, Representative, from Tennessee, district 6
Frederick Lawrence Grandy, Republican, Representative, from Iowa
William Herbert Gray, Democrat, Representative, from Pennsylvania
Sedgwick William (bill) Green, Republican, Representative, from New York
Frank Joseph Guarini, Democrat, Representative, from New Jersey
James Vear Hansen, Republican, Representative, from Utah, district 1
Claude Harris, Democrat, Representative, from Alabama
John Dennis Hastert, Republican, Representative, from Illinois, district 14
Charles Arthur Hayes, Democrat, Representative, from Illinois
Willie Gathrel (bill) Hefner, Democrat, Representative, from North Carolina, district 8
Paul B. Henry, Republican, Representative, from Michigan
George Joseph Hochbrueckner, Democrat, Representative, from New York
Joan Kelly Horn, Democrat, Representative, from Missouri
Frank Jefferson Horton, Republican, Representative, from New York
Amory Houghton, Republican, Representative, from New York, district 31
Thomas Jerald Huckaby, Democrat, Representative, from Louisiana
William Hughes, Democrat, Senator, from New Jersey
Henry John Hyde, Republican, Representative, from Illinois, district 6
James Mountain Inhofe, Republican, Senator, from Oklahoma
Andrew Poysell (andy) Ireland, Republican, Representative, from Florida
Andrew Jacobs, Democrat, Representative, from Indiana
Edgar Lanier (ed) Jenkins, Democrat, Representative, from Georgia
Nancy Lee Johnson, Republican, Representative, from Connecticut, district 6
Timothy Peter (tim) Johnson, Democrat, Senator, from South Dakota
Walter Beaman Jones, Democrat, Representative, from North Carolina, district 3
Marcia Carolyn (marcy) Kaptur, Democrat, Representative, from Ohio, district 9
John Richard Kasich, Republican, Representative, from Ohio, district 12
Barbara Bailey Kennelly, Democrat, Representative, from Connecticut, district 1
Gerald Daniel Kleczka, Democrat, Representative, from Wisconsin, district 4
Scott L. Klug, Republican, Representative, from Wisconsin, district 2
Joseph Paul Kolter, Democrat, Representative, from Pennsylvania
Peter Houston Kostmayer, Democrat, Representative, from Pennsylvania
John Joseph Lafalce, Democrat, Representative, from New York, district 29
Robert John Lagomarsino, Republican, Representative, from California
H. Martin Lancaster, Democrat, Representative, from North Carolina
Tom Lantos, Representative, from California, district 12
James Albert Smith Leach, Republican, Representative, from Iowa, district 1
Richard Henry Lehman, Democrat, Representative, from California
William Lehman, Democrat, Representative, from Florida
Norman Frederick Lent, Republican-Conservative, Representative, from New York
Sander Martin Levin, Democrat, Representative, from Michigan, district 12
Jerry Lewis, Representative, from California, district 40
Thomas F. Lewis, Republican, Representative, from Florida
William Oliver Lipinski, Democrat, Representative, from Illinois, district 3
Bob Livingston, Representative, from Louisiana, district 1
Marilyn Laird Lloyd, Democrat, Representative, from Tennessee
Jill Lynette Long, Democrat, Representative, from Indiana
Nita M. Lowey, Democrat, Representative, from New York, district 18
Ronald K. Machtley, Republican, Representative, from Rhode Island
Edward John Markey, Democrat, Representative, from Massachusetts, district 7
Matthew Martinez, Representative, from California, district 31
Nicholas James Mavroules, Democrat, Representative, from Massachusetts
Bill McCollum, Representative, from Florida, district 8
Raymond Joseph Mcgrath, Republican, Representative, from New York
Matthew Francis Mchugh, Democrat, Representative, from New York
Michael Robert Mcnulty, Democrat, Representative, from New York, district 21
Jan Meyers, Republican, Representative, from Kansas
John Ripin Miller, Republican, Representative, from Washington
Patsy Takemoto Mink, Democrat, Representative, from Hawaii, district 2
John Joseph Moakley, Democrat, Representative, from Massachusetts, district 9
Susan Molinari, Republican, Representative, from New York, district 13
Jim Moody, Democrat, Representative, from Wisconsin
Carlos John Moorhead, Republican, Representative, from California
Constance A. Morella, Republican, Representative, from Maryland, district 8
Sidney Wallace Morrison, Republican, Representative, from Washington
Robert Jan Mrazek, Democrat, Representative, from New York
Austin John Murphy, Democrat, Representative, from Pennsylvania
Richard Edmund Neal, Democrat, Representative, from Massachusetts, district 2
Henry James Nowak, Democrat, Representative, from New York
James Oberstar, Representative, from Minnesota, district 8
David Obey, Representative, from Wisconsin, district 7
Solomon Ortiz, Representative, from Texas, district 27
Major Robert Odell Owens, Democrat, Representative, from New York, district 11
Frank Pallone, Democrat, Representative, from New Jersey, district 6
Leon Edward Panetta, Democrat, Representative, from California
Elizabeth J. Patterson, Democrat, Representative, from South Carolina
Bill Paxon, Representative, from New York, district 27
Donald Payne, Representative, from New Jersey, district 10
Carl Christopher Perkins, Democrat, Representative, from Kentucky
Collin Clark Peterson, Democrat, Representative, from Minnesota, district 7
Douglas Brian (pete) Peterson, Democrat, Representative, from Florida
Thomas Evert Petri, Republican, Representative, from Wisconsin, district 6
Owen Bradford Pickett, Democrat, Representative, from Virginia, district 2
James Jarrell (jake) Pickle, Democrat, Representative, from Texas
John Edward Porter, Republican, Representative, from Illinois, district 10
Glenn Poshard, Democrat, Representative, from Illinois, district 19
David Eugene Price, Democrat, Representative, from North Carolina, district 4
James Henry Quillen, Republican, Representative, from Tennessee
Nick Joe Rahall, Democrat, Representative, from West Virginia, district 3
James (jim) Ramstad, Republican, Representative, from Minnesota, district 3
Charles B. Rangel, Democrat, Representative, from New York, district 15
Arthur Ravenel, Republican, Representative, from South Carolina
Ralph Straus Regula, Republican, Representative, from Ohio, district 16
Matthew John Rinaldo, Republican, Representative, from New Jersey
Donald Lawrence Ritter, Republican, Representative, from Pennsylvania
Charles Patrick (pat) Roberts, Republican, Senator, from Kansas
Robert A. Roe, Democrat, Representative, from New Jersey
Timothy John Roemer, Democrat, Representative, from Indiana, district 3
Ileana Ros-lehtinen, Republican, Representative, from Florida, district 18
James Roy Rowland, Democrat, Representative, from Georgia
Edward R. Roybal, Democrat, Representative, from California
Martin Anthony Russo, Democrat, Representative, from Illinois
Martin Olav Sabo, Democrat, Representative, from Minnesota, district 5
George Edward Sangmeister, Democrat, Representative, from Illinois
Richard John (rick) Santorum, Republican, Senator, from Pennsylvania
Jim Saxton, Representative, from New Jersey, district 3
James Haas Scheuer, Democrat-Liberal, Representative, from New York
Charles Ellis (chuck) Schumer, Democrat, Senator, from New York, district 9
Jose Serrano, Representative, from New York, district 16
Philip Riley Sharp, Democrat, Representative, from Indiana
Eugene Clay Shaw, Republican, Representative, from Florida, district 22
Christopher H. Shays, Republican, Representative, from Connecticut, district 4
E. G. (bud) Shuster, Republican, Representative, from Pennsylvania, district 9
Norman Sisisky, Democrat, Representative, from Virginia, district 4
David Evans Skaggs, Democrat, Representative, from Colorado, district 2
Joe Skeen, Representative, from New Mexico, district 2
Christopher Henry Smith, Republican, Representative, from New Jersey, district 4
Lamar Seeligson Smith, Republican, Representative, from Texas, district 21
Lawrence Jack Smith, Democrat, Representative, from Florida
Robert Freeman Smith, Republican, Representative, from Oregon, district 2
Olympia Snowe, Senator, from Maine
Stephen Joshua Solarz, Democrat, Representative, from New York
Gerald Brooks Hunt Solomon, Republican, Representative, from New York, district 22
John Spratt, Representative, from South Carolina, district 5
Charles Walter Stenholm, Democrat, Representative, from Texas, district 17
Bob Stump, Representative, from Arizona, district 3
Gene Taylor, Representative, from Mississippi, district 5
Robert Lindsay Thomas, Democrat, Representative, from Georgia
William Marshall Thomas, Republican, Representative, from California, district 21
Robert Guy Torricelli, Democrat, Senator, from New Jersey
Edolphus Towns, Representative, from New York, district 10
James A. Traficant, Democrat, Representative, from Ohio, district 17
Jerome Bob Traxler, Democrat, Representative, from Michigan
Fred Upton, Representative, from Michigan, district 6
Itimous Thaddeus Valentine, Democrat, Representative, from North Carolina
Bruce Frank Vento, Democrat Farmer Labor, Representative, from Minnesota, district 4
James Joseph Walsh, Democrat, Representative, from New York, district 25
Henry Arnold Waxman, Democrat, Representative, from California, district 29
John Vincent (vin) Weber, Republican, Representative, from Minnesota
Robert Ellsworth Wise, Democrat, Representative, from West Virginia, district 2
Frank Rudolph Wolf, Republican, Representative, from Virginia, district 10
Howard Eliot Wolpe, Democrat, Representative, from Michigan
Ronald Lee Wyden, Democrat, Senator, from Oregon

Act Overview

Text of the To designate March 26, 1991, as “Education Day, U.S.A.”

Designates March 26 1991 the start of the 90th year of Rabbi Menachem Schneerson leader of the Lubavitch movement as Education Day U.S.A.

Act Notes

  • [Note 1] An Act (like To designate March 26, 1991, as “Education Day, U.S.A.”) or a resolution cannot become a law in the United States until it has been approved (passed) in identical form by both the House of Representatives and the Senate, as well as signed by the President (but see (5)). If the two bodys of the Congress versions of an Act are not identical, one of the bodies might decide to take a further vote to adopt the bill (see more about the Congress process here). An Act may be pass in identical form with or without amendments and with or without conference. (see more about Enrollment).
  • [Note 2] Proposals are referred to committees for preliminary consideration, then debated, amended, and passed (or rejected) by the full House or Senate. To prevent endless shuttling of bills between the House and Senate, bills like To designate March 26, 1991, as “Education Day, U.S.A.” are referred to joint committees made up of members of both houses.
  • [Note 3] For more information regarding this legislative proposal, go to THOMAS, select “Bill Number,” search on (To designate March 26, 1991, as “Education Day, U.S.A.”)
  • [Note 4] To designate March 26, 1991, as “Education Day, U.S.A.”. The current official title of a bill is always present, assigned at introduction (for example, in this case, on 1991-01-31) and can be revised any time. This type of titles are sentences.
  • [Note 5] The Act is referred to the appropriate committee by the Speaker of any of the two Houses. Bills are placed on the calendar of the committee to which they have been assigned. See Assignment Process.
  • [Note 6] Regarding exceptions to President´s approval, a bill that is not signed (returned unsigned) by the President can still become law if at lest two thirds of each of the two bodys of the Congress votes to pass it, which is an infrequent case. See also Presidential Veto.
  • [Note 7] Legislative Proposal types can be: hr, hres, hjres, hconres, s, sres, sjres, sconres. A bill originating in the Senate is designated by the letter “S”, and a bill originating from the House of Representatives begins with “H.R.”, followed, in both cases, by its individual number which it retains throughout all its parliamentary process.
  • [Note 8] For information regarding related bill/s to To designate March 26, 1991, as “Education Day, U.S.A.”, go to THOMAS.


No analysis (criticism, advocacy, etc.) about To designate March 26, 1991, as “Education Day, U.S.A.” submitted yet.

Special days

Further Reading

  • “How our laws are made”, Edward F Willett; Jack Brooks, Washington, U.S. G.P.O.
  • “To make all laws : the Congress of the United States, 1789-1989”, James H Hutson- Washington, Library of Congress.
  • “Bills introduced and laws enacted: selected legislative statistics, 1947-1990”, Rozanne M Barry; Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service.



