
Navigation in United States

Navigation Definition

The science or art of conducting a ship from one place to another This includes the supply of necessary im plements and skillful mariners. The instru. ments are useless without the skillful mariners, and conversely, navigation includes two things, the supply of the instruments or organs of the ship, and the living instruments, or seamen. If either of these is wanting by the negligence of the owner, or of those for whom he is responsible, there is improper navigation. 53 L. J. P. D. & A. 66; 9 P. D. 145.

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Legal Issue for Attorneys

The science or art of conducting a ship from one place to another This includes the supply of necessary im plements and skillful mariners. The instru. ments are useless without the skillful mariners, and conversely, navigation includes two things, the supply of the instruments or organs of the ship, and the living instruments, or seamen. If either of these is wanting by the negligence of the owner, or of those for whom he is responsible, there is improper navigation. 53 L. J. P. D. & A. 66; 9 P. D. 145.


This definition of Navigation is based on The Cyclopedic Law Dictionary. This entry needs to be proofread.

Introduction to Navigation Acts of 1650, 1660, 1663, and 1696

In the context of the legal history: British regulations designed to protect British shipping from competition. Said that British colonies could only import goods if they were shipped on British-owned vessels and at least 3/4 of the crew of the ship were British.


In the context of the legal history:

See Also

  • International Treaties
  • Multilateral Treaties



