
Victims in the United States


See Also

Dispute Resolution Programs; Hate Crimes; Victimless Crimes; Victims’ Rights.

Shield Laws; Stalking; Victim Assistance Program; Victims of Crime Act; Victims’ Rights.

Further Reading (Books)

Amir, Menachem. Patterns of Forcible Rape. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1971.

Ceci, Stephen J., and Bruck, Maggie. Jeopardy in the Courtroom: A Scientific Analysis of Children’s Testimony. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1995.

Cohen, Lawrence E., and Felson, Marcus. “A General Theory of Expropriate Crime: An Evolutionary Ecological Approach.” American Journal of Sociology 94 (1979): 465-501.

Costin, Lela B.; Karger, Howard J.; and Stoesz, David. The Politics of Child Abuse in America. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.

Davis, Robert C.; Lurigio, Arthur J.; and Skogan , Wesley G. Victims of Crime. 2d ed. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 1997.

–. “Services for Victims: Market Research Study.” International Review of Victimology 6 (1999): 101-115.

Dijk, Jan J. M. van, and Mayhew, Pat. Crime Victimization in the Industrial World. The Hague: Ministry of Justice, 1992.

Dijk, Jan J. M. van; Mayhew, Pat; and Killias, Martin. Experiences of Crime Across the World: Key Findings of the 1989 International Crime Survey. Boston: Kluwer, 1991.

Dodge, Richard. Locating City, Suburban, and Rural Crime. Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 1985.

Elias, Robert. Victims of the System: Victims and the System in American Politics and Criminal Justice. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction, 1983.

Ellingsworth, Dan; Farrell, Graham; and Pease, Ken. “A Victim Is a Victim Is a Victim? Chronic Victimization in Four Sweeps of the British Crime Survey.” British Journal of Criminology 35 (1995): 360-365.

Ferraro, Kenneth F. Fear of Crime: Interpreting Victimization Risk. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995.

Foote, William E. “Victim-Precipitated Homicide.” In Lethal Violence: A Sourcebook on Fatal Domestic, Acquaintance and Stranger Violence. Edited by Harold V. Hall. Baton Rouge, La.: CRC Press, 1999. Pages 174-202.

Geis, Gilbert. “Should I (Legally) Be My Brother’s Keeper?” In Legal Philosophy: Selected Readings. Edited by Timothy Shiell. Orlando, Fla.: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1993.

Gove, Walter R.; Hughes, Michael; and Geerken, Michael. “Are Uniform Crime Reports a Valid Indicator of the Index Crimes? An Affirmative Answer with Minor Qualifications.” Criminology 23 (1985): 451-50l.

Hindelang, Michael J.; Gottfredson Michael; and Garofalo, James. Victims of Personal Crime: An Empirical Foundation for a Theory of Personal Victimization. Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger, 1978.

Jacobs, James B., and Potter, Kimberly. Hate Crimes: Criminal Law and Identity Politics. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.

Jenness, Valerie, and Broad, Kendal. Hate Crimes: New Social Movements and the Politics of Violence. New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1997.

Karmen, Andrew. Crime Victims: An Introduction to Victimology. 3d ed. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth, 1996.

Kennedy, Leslie W., and Sacco, Vincent F. Crime Victims in Context. Los Angeles: Roxbury, 1998.

Mawby, Rob I., and Walklate, Sandra. Critical Victimology: International Perspectives. London: Sage, 1994.

Miller, Ted R.; Cohen, Mark A.; and Wiersema, Brian. Victim Costs and Consequences: A New Look. Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Justice, 1996.

Osborn, Denise R.; Ellingsworth,Dan; Hope, Tim; and Tickett, Alan. “Are Reportedly Victimized Households Different?” Journal of Quantitative Criminology 12 (1996): 223-245.

Polk, Kenneth. “A Reexamination of the Concept of Victim-Precipitated Homicide.” Homicide Studies 1 (1997): 141-168.

Roberts, Albert R., ed. Helping Crime Victims: Research, Policy, and Practice. Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage, 1990.

Ryan, William. Blaming the Victim. Rev. ed. New York: Vintage Books, 1976.

Sebba, Leslie. Third Parties: Victims and the Criminal Justice System. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1996.

Sechrest, Dale K.; Shichoravid; Doocy, Jeffrey H.; and Geis, Gilbert. “Women’s Responses to a Telemarketing Scam.” Women and Criminal Justice 10 (1998): 75-89.

Smith, Steven K.; Steadman, Greg W.; Minton, Todd D.; and Townsend, Meg. Criminal Victimization and Perceptions of Community Safety in 12 Cities 1998. Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 1999.

Wolfgang, Marvin E. Patterns in Criminal Homicide. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1958.

Wright, Richard T., and Decker, Scott H. Burglars on the Job: Streetlife and Residential Break-ins. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1944.

Further Reading (Articles)

Victim Submissions to Parole Boards: The Agenda for Research, Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice; May 1, 2003; Black, Matt

VICTIM ADVOCATES-MAKING A DIFFERENCE, US Fed News Service, Including US State News; October 19, 2010

Why Victim Impact Education Matters, American Jails; September 1, 2013; Hall, Beth Raebeck

Victim assistance, Sheriff; September 1, 1998; Moser, A N Jr

VICTIM RIGHTS WEEK, APRIL 22-28, US Fed News Service, Including US State News; April 9, 2007

Victim advocates question death penalty reversal; Missouri Supreme Court blamed counsel for not raising murder victim’s child porn, Missouri Lawyers Media; December 7, 2009; Alyson E Raletz

Career Victim Service Advocate Liam Lowney Appointed as Executive Director of the Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance, States News Service; September 13, 2012

VICTIMS’ VOICES RESONATE WITH SOUND OF JUSTICE, The Beacon News – Aurora (IL); April 18, 1999

Victims of Juvenile Offenders: An Important Component of the Juvenile Justice Equation, Corrections Today; February 1, 2004; Seymour, Anne

Victim 1: Sandusky Forced Oral Sex, Standard-Speaker (Hazleton, PA); June 12, 2012; Sisak, Michael R

Victim Advocates Help Sexual Assault Survivors Seek Help, Justice, US Fed News Service, Including US State News; April 26, 2013


Victim and perpetrator characteristics for firearm-related homicides of youth during 1991-1997 (1).(Chapter three: homicide perpetrators and victims)(reports of firearm-related homicide victims under age 25 ), The Varieties of Homicide and its Research; January 1, 2000; Kuhn, Evelyn M. Nie, Carrie L. O’Brien, Mallory E. Withers, Richard L. Hargarten, Stephen W.

Victim rights, Daily News (New York, NY); August 14, 2009

Victim Participation in International Criminal Proceedings: Problems and Potential Solutions in Implementing an Effective and Vital Component of Justice, Texas International Law Journal; April 1, 2014; Hobbs, Harry

Recognizing Victims in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure: Proposed Amendments in Light of the Crime Victims’ Rights Act, Brigham Young University Law Review; January 1, 2005; Cassell, Paul G.

Victims Put First in the Criminal Justice System, States News Service; December 10, 2013

Victim Impact Programming in Jails and Prisons: A Team Approach to Reducing Recidivism, Sheriff; July 1, 2011; Wyatt, Verna

VICTIM ADVOCATES: A HELPING HAND IN TIMES OF NEED, US Fed News Service, Including US State News; April 11, 2006

Crime Victims’ Rights Week “30 Years: Restoring the Balance of Justice”, States News Service; April 8, 2014

Victims in the Criminal Justice System



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