Tag: Federal Court System

  • Panel

    Panel in the United States A group of judges who decide a case. Panels of judges are usually found on intermediate appeals courts such as the U.S. court of appeals. Cases at this level are normally heard by panels of three judges rather than by all the judges of the court. U.S. court of […]

  • Panel

    Panel in the United States A group of judges who decide a case. Panels of judges are usually found on intermediate appeals courts such as the U.S. court of appeals. Cases at this level are normally heard by panels of three judges rather than by all the judges of the court. U.S. court of […]

  • Prosecute

    Prosecute in the United States Resources See Also Legal Topics. Further Reading (Articles) FSA’s Power To Prosecute POCA Offences Is Confirmed.(Proceeds of Crime Act 2002), Mondaq Business Briefing; October 21, 2009 Karpal: I’ll prosecute Lingam, New Straits Times; November 19, 2009; V. […]

  • Capital Offense

    Capital Offense in the United States Capital Offense Definition in the context of the Federal Court System A crime punishable by death.

  • Capital Offense

    Capital Offense in the United States Capital Offense Definition in the context of the Federal Court System A crime punishable by death.

  • Pretrial Services

    Pretrial Services in the United States Pretrial Services Definition in the context of the Federal Court System A department of the district court that conducts an investigation of a criminal defendant’s background in order to help a judge decide whether to release the defendant into the […]

  • Pretrial Services

    Pretrial Services in the United States Pretrial Services Definition in the context of the Federal Court System A department of the district court that conducts an investigation of a criminal defendant’s background in order to help a judge decide whether to release the defendant into the […]

  • Affidavit

    Affidavit in the United States A written statement of facts. An Affidavit (Civil Process) contains a voluntarily offered representation of information. An Affidavit (Civil Process) is generally used to establish or confirm a point of fact. The person who makes an Affidavit (Civil Process) is […]

  • Affidavit

    Affidavit in the United States A written statement of facts. An Affidavit (Civil Process) contains a voluntarily offered representation of information. An Affidavit (Civil Process) is generally used to establish or confirm a point of fact. The person who makes an Affidavit (Civil Process) is […]

  • Case Ancillary

    Case Ancillary in the United States Case Ancillary to a Foreign Proceeding Definition in the context of the Federal Court System A case commenced under Chapter 15 of the Bankruptcy Code by the representative of a foreign tribunal to protect the U.S. property of a debtor subject to an […]


    Sentence in the United States A sanction or punishment imposed on a person convicted of a crime. Sentences fall into two broad categories, custodial and noncustodial. The former involves imprisonment for at least one year or confinement in a local detention facility for up to a year. […]

  • Acquittal

    Acquittal in the United States Formal certification that a person is not guilty of a criminal charge. An acquittal is a finding of fact by a jury or a judge that the state has not proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant committed the charged offense. A case dismissed before trial […]

  • Acquittal

    Acquittal in the United States Formal certification that a person is not guilty of a criminal charge. An acquittal is a finding of fact by a jury or a judge that the state has not proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant committed the charged offense. A case dismissed before trial […]

  • Toll

    Toll in United States Toll Definition Toll at common law includes a large class of dues and exactions that are in the nature of fixed rights, and cannot be lawfully exceeded, and are generally, if not universally, connected with some franchise which involves duties as well as privileges of a […]

  • Toll

    Toll in United States Toll Definition Toll at common law includes a large class of dues and exactions that are in the nature of fixed rights, and cannot be lawfully exceeded, and are generally, if not universally, connected with some franchise which involves duties as well as privileges of a […]