Tag: Federal Court System

  • Opinion

    Opinion in United States Opinion Definition In Evidence. An inference or conclusion stated by a witness, as distinguished from a statement of matters of fact. In Practice. The statement of reasons (according to the definition of Opinion based on the Cyclopedic Law Dictionary ) delivered by a […]

  • Opinion

    Opinion in United States Opinion Definition In Evidence. An inference or conclusion stated by a witness, as distinguished from a statement of matters of fact. In Practice. The statement of reasons (according to the definition of Opinion based on the Cyclopedic Law Dictionary ) delivered by a […]

  • Remand

    Remand in the United States The sending of a case back to the original trial court after an appeal. The case is remanded when there are matters that require reconsideration under the terms of the appellate court decision. The term remand also applies to a prisoner who is sent back to detention […]

  • Information

    Information in the United States An accusation made by a prosecuting attorney before a court. The information is offered under oath and supports the charges with at least probable cause level evidence. The information is used in almost every state for misdemeanors, but more than half the […]

  • Information

    Information in the United States An accusation made by a prosecuting attorney before a court. The information is offered under oath and supports the charges with at least probable cause level evidence. The information is used in almost every state for misdemeanors, but more than half the […]

  • Mistrial

    Mistrial in the United States A trial ended before it arrives at a conclusion. A mistrial occurs in the wake of an extraordinary situation. A mistrial may be declared, for example, because one or more of the jurors cannot continue. More often, a mistrial occurs because of a prejudicial error […]

  • Precedent

    Precedent in the United States A previous court ruling on a question of law. A precedent is recognized as providing a basis for resolving identical or similar cases coming before courts at a later date. Precedents are regarded as a principal source of common law. A precedent may be […]

  • Sentencing Guidelines

    Sentencing Guidelines in the United States Federal Sentencing Guidelines Legal Materials The Federal Sentencing Guidelines (a/k/a Sentencing Guidelines for the United States Courts) are published as part of Title 18 of the United States Code (see United States Code.). The Guidelines are […]

  • Sentencing Guidelines

    Sentencing Guidelines in the United States Federal Sentencing Guidelines Legal Materials The Federal Sentencing Guidelines (a/k/a Sentencing Guidelines for the United States Courts) are published as part of Title 18 of the United States Code (see United States Code.). The Guidelines are […]

  • Case Law

    Case Law in United States Case Law Definition The law evidenced by or derived.from the reported decisions. The law established by the force of such decisions as precedents, as distinguished from the reasons or philosophy of the law. Case Law in Foreign Legal Encyclopedias LinkDescription […]

  • Case Law

    Case Law in United States Case Law Definition The law evidenced by or derived.from the reported decisions. The law established by the force of such decisions as precedents, as distinguished from the reasons or philosophy of the law. Case Law in Foreign Legal Encyclopedias LinkDescription […]

  • Petit Jury

    Petit Jury in the United States United States Constitution According to the Encyclopedia of the American Constitution, about its article titled 214 PETIT JURYThe petit jury is the trial jury, as distinguished from the grand jury. The petit jury decides questions of fact in cases at law, and […]

  • Circuit Executive

    Circuit Executive in the United States Circuit Executive Definition in the context of the Federal Court System A federal court employee appointed by a circuit judicial council to assist the chief judge of the circuit and provide administrative support to the courts of the circuit.

  • Brief

    Brief in the United States A written document presented to a court in support of a party’s position on a legal question. A brief contains a statement of the facts, applicable law, and arguments drawn from the facts and the law as well as from related, pertinent material. A brief urges a […]

  • Brief

    Brief in the United States A written document presented to a court in support of a party’s position on a legal question. A brief contains a statement of the facts, applicable law, and arguments drawn from the facts and the law as well as from related, pertinent material. A brief urges a […]