Probation and Parole

Probation and Parole in United States

Probation and Parole


Further Reading

  • The capital jury: is it tilted toward death?, Bowers, William J., 79: 220-223 (Mar.-Apr. ’96, AJS Judicature)
  • Crime and incarceration (brief), Richert, David, 84: 103 (Sept.-Oct. ’00, AJS Judicature)
  • Criminal justice system Court responses to batterer program noncompliance: A national survey (focus), Labriola, Melissa, O’Sullivan, Chris, Frank, Phyllis B., and Rempel, Michael, 94: 81-84 (sep-oct ’10, AJS Judicature)
  • Electronic Monitorning and Recidivism (letter), Clarke, Stevens H., 76: 213 (Dec.-Jan. ’93, AJS Judicature)
  • Electronic Monitorning of Drug Offenders on Probation, Glaser, Daniel and Watts, Ronald, 76: 112-117 (Oct.-Nov. ’92, AJS Judicature)
  • Glaser and Watts Respond (letter), Glaser, Daniel and Watts, Ronald, 76: 213-214 (Dec.-Jan. ’93, AJS Judicature)
  • How judges respond to drunk drivers, Breer, M. Lynn, Schwartz, Abby, Schillo, Barbara A., and Savage, Deborah, 87: 72-78, 89 (Sept.-Oct. ’03, AJS Judicature)
  • Improving collection of court-ordered restitution, Davis, Robert C. and Bannister, Tanya M., 79: 30-33 (July-Aug. ’95, AJS Judicature)
  • Increasing Offender Compliance with Restitution Orders, Davis, Robert C., Smith, Barbara, and Hillenbrand, Susan, 74: 245-248 (Feb.-Mar. ’91, AJS Judicature)
  • Just what made drug courts successful?, Burke, Kevin S., 94: 119-127 (Nov-Dec ’10, AJS Judicature)
  • Miami Drug Court Gives Drug Defendants A Second Chance (focus), Finn, Peter and Newlyn, Andrea K., 77: 268-271 (Mar.-Apr. ’94, AJS Judicature)
  • New Directions in Misdemeanor Probation, Rubin, H. Ted, 60: 435-441 (Apr. ’76, AJS Judicature)
  • Preventing Prison Crowding (letter), Lipscher, Robert D., 68: 208-209 (Dec.-Jan. ’85, AJS Judicature)
  • Profitable Penalties for Lower Level Courts, Glaser, Daniel and Gordon, Margaret A., 73: 248-252 (Feb.-Mar. ’90, AJS Judicature)




