Judicial Independence and Immunity

Judicial Independence and Immunity in United States

Judicial Independence and Immunity


Further Reading

  • ABA responds to criticism of judges (brief), Brief, AJS, 82: 94, 96 (Sept.-Oct. ’98, AJS Judicature)
  • Adjusting the compensation of federal judges (editorial), Editorial, AJS, 80: 248 (May-June ’97, AJS Judicature)
  • An America without judicial independence, White, Penny J., 80: 174-177 (Jan.-Feb. ’97, AJS Judicature)
  • Attacks on judges – a universal phenomenon, Kirby, Michael, 81: 238-243 (May-June ’98, AJS Judicature)
  • Attacks on judges: Why they fail, Friedman, Barry, 81: 150-155 (Jan.-Feb. ’98, AJS Judicature)
  • Beyond accountability and independence: Judicial selection and state court performance, Cann, Damon, 90: 226-232 (Mar-Apr ’07, AJS Judicature)
  • A biased opinion (letter), Sage, Larry Guy, 80: 205 (Mar.-Apr. ’97, AJS Judicature)
  • A boost for judicial independence (editorial), Editorial, AJS, 81: 140 (Jan.-Feb. ’98, AJS Judicature)
  • Conference considers judicial reform (focus), Reddick, Malia and Albertsen, Joanne, 92: 80-83 (2, AJS Judicature)
  • Congressional oversight responsibility of the judiciary, Sensenbrenner, F. James, Jr., 87: 202-206 (Mar.-Apr. ’04, AJS Judicature)
  • A conversation about judicial independence and impartiality, Author, No, 89: 339-343 (6, AJS Judicature)
  • The cost of justice: funding state courts, Author, No, 88: 158-169 (Jan.-Feb. ’05, AJS Judicature)
  • Courts under attack (editorial), Author, No, 94: 256, 259 (may-june ’11, AJS Judicature)
  • The courts, the legislature, and the executive: separate and equal? Historical overview on the separation of powers, Author, No, 87: 208-218 (Mar.-Apr. ’04, AJS Judicature)
  • The courts, the legislature, and the executive: separate and equal? Issues at the federal level, Author, No, 87: 220-229, 243, 259 (Mar.-Apr. ’04, AJS Judicature)
  • The courts, the legislature, and the executive: separate and equal? Issues at the state level, Author, No, 87: 230-240 (Mar.-Apr. ’04, AJS Judicature)
  • The crisis in the immigration courts (editorial), Author, No, 95: 56, 58 (sept-oct ’11, AJS Judicature)
  • Criticizing judges, Pollak, Louis H., 79: 298-302 (May-June ’96, AJS Judicature)
  • Culture shock (letter), Ross, G.M., 82: 106 (Nov.-Dec. ’98, AJS Judicature)
  • An Earthquake in South Dakota? (editorial), Editorial, AJS, 89: 192, 237 (Jan.-Feb. ’06, AJS Judicature)
  • Effective criticism (letter), Salibra, Lawrence A., II, 81: 232 (May-June ’98, AJS Judicature)
  • Fixing White (editorial), Editorial, AJS, 90: 192,194 (Mar-Apr ’07, AJS Judicature)
  • Grounds for judicial impeachment (viewpoint), Finnegan, Lawrence J., Jr., 82: 155, 193 (Jan.-Feb. ’99, AJS Judicature)
  • How to defend the courts (brief), Eckley, Timothy S., 89: 235 (Jan.-Feb. ’06, AJS Judicature)
  • Ideology on the bench (letter), Thomas, Thomas N., 80: 205 (Mar.-Apr. ’97, AJS Judicature)
  • Independence (letter), Bell, Robert Holmes, 80: 205, 242 (Mar.-Apr. ’97, AJS Judicature)
  • Independence of character (letter), Salibra, Lawrence A., II, 80: 250 (May-June ’97, AJS Judicature)
  • An inspector general for the federal courts (viewpoint), Hartmus, Diane M., 81: 188-189, 219-221 (Mar.-Apr. ’98, AJS Judicature)
  • Interest groups and state court elections: A new era and its challenges, Thomas, Clive S., Boyer, Michael L., and Hrebenar, Ronald J., 87: 135-144, 149 (Nov.-Dec. ’03, AJS Judicature)
  • Is an independent judiciary necessary for democracy?, Howard, Robert M. and Carey, Henry F., 87: 284-290 (May-June ’04, AJS Judicature)
  • Issues in judicial independence and accountability, Author, No, 88: 114-121 (Nov.-Dec. ’04, AJS Judicature)
  • The Judge Baer controversy, Newman, Jon O., 80: 156-164 (Jan.-Feb. ’97, AJS Judicature)
  • Judges disagree (letter), Cohn, Avern, 80: 250 (May-June ’97, AJS Judicature)
  • Judicial accountability (editorial), Editorial, AJS, 89: 4, 6 (July-Aug. ’05, AJS Judicature)
  • Judicial activism in the cause of judicial independence: The Indian Supreme Court in the 1990s, Moog, Robert, 85: 268-276 (May-June ’02, AJS Judicature)
  • Judicial decision making and the impact of election year rhetoric, Segal, Jennifer A., 84: 26-33 (July-Aug. ’00, AJS Judicature)
  • Judicial independence (editorial), Leben, Steve and Burke, Kevin, 95: 205-206 (Mar.-Apr. ’12, AJS Judicature)
  • The judicial independence and accountability task force (editorial), Editorial, AJS, 88: 108, 121 (Nov.-Dec. ’04, AJS Judicature)
  • Judicial independence and constitutional politics in Bulgaria, Melone, Albert P., 80: 280-285 (May-June ’97, AJS Judicature)
  • Judicial independence and human rights protection around the world, Keith, Linda Camp, 85: 194-200 (Jan.-Feb. ’02, AJS Judicature)
  • Judicial independence at the crossroads (editorial), Editorial, AJS, 85: 260 (May-June ’02, AJS Judicature)
  • Judicial independence in contemporary China, Melone, Albert P., 81: 256-261 (May-June ’98, AJS Judicature)
  • Judicial Independence lesson added to AJS’s High School Curriculum (brief), Reddick, Malia, 93: 259 (6, AJS Judicature)
  • Judicial independence list serves (brief), Richert, David, 84: 48 (July-Aug. ’00, AJS Judicature)
  • The judicial independence task force, Daffron, Sandra Ratcliff, 81: 49 (Sept.-Oct. ’97, AJS Judicature)
  • Judicial independence, the power of the purse, and inherent judicial powers, Webb, G. Gregg and Whittington, Keith E., 88: 12-19, 45 (July-Aug. ’04, AJS Judicature)
  • Judicial Independence: An Introduction (introduction), Author, No, 80: 155 (Jan.-Feb. ’97, AJS Judicature)
  • Justice beyond our borders (editorial), Editorial, AJS, 81: 228 (May-June ’98, AJS Judicature)
  • The legacy of Republican Party of Minnesota v. White: Judicial independence, judicial selection, and the First Amendment in the post-White era, Author, No, 91: 135-143 (Nov-Dec ’07, AJS Judicature)
  • Legitimate activities (letter), Troutman, Charles H., 80: 250 (May-June ’97, AJS Judicature)
  • Legitimate criticism (letter), Conners, Frank J., 80: 5 (July-Aug. ’96, AJS Judicature)
  • The limits of White (viewpoint), Gray, Cynthia, 89: 315-316, 352 (May-June ’06, AJS Judicature)
  • Misguided judicial reform (editorial), Editorial, AJS, 81: 4 (July-Aug. ’97, AJS Judicature)
  • New polls show widespread concern about threats to fair and impartial courts (focus), Palast, Geri, 86: 55-56 (July-Aug. ’02, AJS Judicature)
  • Not supported by data (letter), Newman, Jon O., 84: 115 (Nov.-Dec. ’00, AJS Judicature)
  • An open letter to the new president about the administration of justice (editorial), Editorial, AJS, 84: 172 (Jan.-Feb. ’01, AJS Judicature)
  • The past and present of judicial independence, Burbank, Stephen B., 80: 117-122 (Nov.-Dec. ’96, AJS Judicature)
  • Political attacks on the judiciary, Bright, Stephen B., 80: 165-173 (Jan.-Feb. ’97, AJS Judicature)
  • The politicization of retention elections: Lessons from the defeat of justices Lanphier and White, Reid, Traciel V., 83: 68-77 (Sept.-Oct. ’99, AJS Judicature)
  • The politicization of the judiciary (viewpoint), Friedman, Terry B., 82: 6-7 (July-Aug. ’98, AJS Judicature)
  • Politics and progress in federal judicial accountability (editorial), Editorial, AJS, 90: 52-53,92 (2, AJS Judicature)
  • Presidential candidates respond to questions about the justice system, Author, No, 84: 96-98 (Sept.-Oct. ’00, AJS Judicature)
  • Professor Segal responds (letter), Segal, Jennifer A., 84: 115 (Nov.-Dec. ’00, AJS Judicature)
  • Promoting judicial independence (editorial), Editorial, AJS, 80: 152 (Jan.-Feb. ’97, AJS Judicature)
  • Public outreach: the cornerstone of judicial independence, Esterling, Kevin M., 82: 66-69 (Nov.-Dec. ’98, AJS Judicature)
  • Reining in the federal judiciary, Meese, Edwin, III and DeHart, Rhett, 80: 178-183 (Jan.-Feb. ’97,
    AJS Judicature)
  • The rule of law and human rights, Apodaca, Clair, 87: 292-299 (May-June ’04, AJS Judicature)
  • A rush to judgment (editorial), Editorial, AJS, 82: 52 (July-Aug. ’98, AJS Judicature)
  • Separation of powers and mutual respect (editorial), Editorial, AJS, 87: 200-201 (Mar.-Apr. ’04, AJS Judicature)
  • A significant battle, an ongoing war (editorial), Author, No, 95: 149-150 (Jan.-Feb. ’12, AJS Judicature)
  • Skewed incentives: Paying for politics as a Japanese judge, Ramseyer, J. Mark and Rasmusen, Eric B., 83: 190-195 (Jan.-Feb. ’00, AJS Judicature)
  • The state of the state courts, Abrahamson, Shirley S., 87: 241-242 (Mar.-Apr. ’04, AJS Judicature)
  • Three branches, not two: Congress should reconsider recent assaults on federal court sentencing discretion (editorial), Editorial, AJS, 86: 276, 324 (May-June ’03, AJS Judicature)
  • Tyranny of the majority (letter), Diamond, Hymen, 80: 242 (Mar.-Apr. ’97, AJS Judicature)
  • Voter knowledge, behavior, and attitudes in primary and general judicial elections, Sheldon, Charles H. and Lovrich, Nicholas P., Jr., 82: 216-223 (Mar.-Apr. ’99, AJS Judicature)
  • The war on courts and other wars (editorial), Editorial, AJS, 90: 148,150 (Jan-Feb ’07, AJS Judicature)
  • What is judicial independence? Views from the public, the press, the profession, and the politicians, Transcript, AJS, 80: 73-83 (Sept.-Oct. ’96, AJS Judicature)
  • What judges say about state court funding and judicial independence, Carson, Wallace P., Jr., Patrick, Hunter, and Sackett, Rosemary, 88: 187 (Jan.-Feb. ’05, AJS Judicature)
  • Why should we care about independent and accountable judges? (viewpoint), Fein, Bruce and Neuborne, Burt, 84: 58-63 (Sept.-Oct. ’00, AJS Judicature)







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