Abstract Of Title

Abstract Of Title in United States

Practical Information

Note: Some of this information was last updated in 1982

Evidence of title (in U.S. law) to real property (in U.S. law). An abstract is a condensed history of the ownership of or rights in a particular tract of land. It consists of a summary of the material parts of every recorded instrument affecting the title. It begins with a description of the land covered by the abstract and then shows the original government grant and all subsequent deeds, mortgages, releases, wills, judgments, mechanics’ liens, foreclosure (in U.S. law) proceedings, tax sales, and other matters affecting title. The abstract concludes with the abstractor’s certificate. A contract of sale (in U.S. law), often called a purchase and sale agreement, frequently provides that the seller shall furnish an abstract of title. This usually means that he or she will give the purchaser an abstract of title certified immediately before the closing of the sale. The original abstract is sent to the abstract company and the company recertifies its accuracy and brings it down to date.

Paying the abstractor

When abstract continuations are typed in the law office, the secretary should keep a close record of the continuations so the abstractor may be paid. An arrangement should be made with the abstractor as to how often he or she is to be paid, for example, once a week or the first of the month. A simple method is to use a 3 by 5inch card with columns for debit, credit, and balance. Frequently, however, payment is included as part of the closing costs and is thus handled immediately after the completion of the real estate transaction.

Number and filing continuations

When continuations are typed in the law office, or when title opinions are given on abstracts, a numbering system should be used to facilitate filing the continuations and/or title opinions and retrieving them. This can be done by the use of 3 by 5inch index cards.

When the real estate is subdivided real estate or is part of an addition to a city or township, type at the top of the card the name of the subdivision or the addition, and beneath it type each continuation or opinion according to block and lot number. In the case of rural real estate, set up a separate card for each section showing the section, township, and range in numerical sequence. Then, for example, to determine if a continuation or an opinion has been done on the geocode, you simply go to the card on that section, township, and range, and any continuations or opinions will be noted there by reference to the file where they are kept. The actual copies of the continuations or opinions should thus be maintained in separate files with only a cross-reference on the index card.

Some index systems are set up under the owners’ names. However, since real estate has become such a marketable commodity, in many areas the ownership of real estate changes so rapidly that it is sometimes difficult to keep ownership records updated. Also, simply by checking the current opinion or continuation, you can determine the ownership of the property.

(Revised by Ann De Vries)

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See Also

  • Legal Topics.
  • Deed; Property Law; Real Property; Recording of Land Titles; Torrens Title System.

    Further Reading (Articles)

    American Abstract & Title of Little Rock receives $1 million judgment.(Inside Business Stewart Title Guaranty Co.)(Brief Article), Arkansas Business; November 3, 2003; Friedman, Mark

    CHARLOTTE A. SAJDAK, EXECUTIVE OF ABSTRACT TITLE, The Buffalo News (Buffalo, NY); May 2, 1997

    Arvest Acquires City’s Oldest Company.(Arvest Bank Group Inc., Washington County Abstract & Title Co.)(Brief Article), Arkansas Business; January 17, 2000; Wood, Jeffrey

    Contract Notice: Department of Agriculture (Minnesota) Issues Solicitation for Abstract Title and Closing Services, US Fed News Service, Including US State News; March 15, 2012

    Contract Notice: Department of Agriculture (Minnesota) Issues Solicitation for Abstract, Title and Closing Services, US Fed News Service, Including US State News; March 15, 201

    Contract Notice: Department of Agriculture (Minnesota) Issues Solicitation for “Abstract, Title and Closing Services”, US Fed News Service, Including US State News; March 9, 2011

    Contract Notice: Department of Agriculture (Minnesota) Issues Solicitation for Abstract, Title and Closing Sevices, US Fed News Service, Including US State News; March 27, 2012

    34th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Pain Society: Abstract Titles, Pain Research & Management : The Journal of the Canadian Pain Society; March 1, 2013

    ‘Negative publicity’ affects firms: Grand jury investigation: Business drops at abstract and title companies owned by embattled Phipps, Stipe., Daily Oklahoman (Oklahoma City, OK); April 29, 2007

    Who Has Abstract of Title?, Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL); April 14, 2012

    abstract of title, Webster’s NewWorld Dictionary; January 1, 1988

    Contract Notice: Department of Agriculture (North Dakota) Issues Solicitation for Abstract and Title Services, US Fed News Service, Including US State News; May 14, 2012

    ProQuest announced that institutions can now subscribe to the entire bibliographic record of dissertations written in the U.K. and Ireland dating from 1716, with full abstracts for titles available from 1986 in ProQuest Dissertations and Theses–UK & Ireland.(Online Services)(Brief article), Online; November 1, 2009


    Garden City-based Abstracts Inc. acquires Riverhead title agency, Long Island Business News; March 26, 2012; David Winzelberg

    Microcomputer Abstracts. (CD-ROM title covering 75 microcomputer trade publications) (Brief Article), Online; July 1, 1994

    Abstract talk. (merger of title abstracting companies), Arkansas Business; June 24, 1991

    Commentary: Title Track: Abstracts of title are now taxable, Daily Record (Rochester, NY); August 9, 2010; Larry Sweet

    NY Refi Rules for Title, Abstract Firms., Mortgage Line; May 6, 2005; McDermott, John

    NY Refi Rules for Title, Abstract Firms.(early eligibility rate), Origination News; May 1, 2005; McDermott, John



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