Clerks of Court

Clerks of Court in the United States

Clerk Of Court Definition

An officer ot a court of justice, having the custody of its records and seals, and whose duty it is, among other things, to certify to the correctness of transcripts from such record. (This definition of Clerk of Court is based on The Cyclopedic Law Dictionary )

Legal Materials

The resarcher can find most of the information he or she need about court clerks from the respective court’s web site. You can use FindLaw to link to most Federal and state courts, or you can just search Google or another search engine.

If you need information on many courts, or if the information you need isn’t available on the court web site, you may want to use a directory, such as BNA’S Directory of State and Federal Courts, Judges, and Clerks, Your Nation’s Courts Online (CQ Press), theJudicial Staff Directory (CQ Press), and/or the The Judicial Yellow Book (Leadership Directories).

New York Court Clerks are listed in the Second Circuit Redbook.

Law Clerks: Unlike court clerks, judges’ law clerks generally change every year or two, so the law clerk listings in most directories are out of date. To find the name of a judge’s current law clerk or clerks, check the court web site, call the judge’s chambers and/or try to look up a list of law clerk in the jurisdictions legal paper of record (e.g., in New York City, look in the New York Law Journal, starting around September and going into at least October). To find the name of a judge’s prior clerks, search back articles from the relevant legal paper of record and/or check back editions of the the general clerkship directories discussed above. For older information, you can also check back issues of the NALP Judicial Clerkship Directory and/or the NALP State Judicial Clerkship Directory (both of which were discontinued around 2004).

To find out what clerkships are available on the Federal level, see For state courts, see The Guide to State Judicial Clerkships and the web site for the relevant court system.

For more information about the general practices of particular judges on hiring clerks –including how many, when, whom to contact, what documents to submit — try Behind the Bench: The Guide to Judicial Clerkships (NALP), as well as the sources discussed on and NALP’s Judicial Clerkship Info for Career Services page.

Court of The Clerk of the Market

In English law. A tribunal Incident to every fair and market in the kingdom, to punish (said the Cyclopedic Law Dictionary) misdemeanors therein. This is the most inferior court of criminal jurisdiction in the kingdom. The object of its jurisdiction is principally the recognizance of the weights and measures, to try whether they are according to the true standard thereof, which standard was anciently committed to the custody of the bishop, who appointed some clerk under him to inspect the abuse of them more narrowly; and hence this officer, though usually a layman, is called the “clerk” of the market. The jurisdiction over weights and measures formerly exercised by the clerk of the market has been taken from him.


See Also

  • United States Supreme Court
  • Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
  • Case Pulls
  • Federal Court Rules
  • Judges
  • State Court Rules
  • State Law

Further Reading



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