Substance Abuse Consequences

Substance Abuse Consequences in the United States

Substance Abuse and the Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) put in place comprehensive health insurance reforms that will make health insurance available to many more people, lower health care costs, guarantee more health care choices, and enhance the quality of health care for all Americans.

The Affordable Care Act includes substance use disorders as one of the ten elements of essential health benefits. This means that all health insurance sold on Health Insurance Exchanges or provided by Medicaid to certain newly eligible adults starting in 2014 must include services for substance use disorders.

By including these benefits in health insurance packages, more health care providers can offer and be reimbursed for these services, resulting in more individuals having access to treatment. The specific substance abuse services that will be covered are currently being determined by the Department of Health and Human Services, and will take into account evidence on what services allow individuals to get the treatment they need and help them with recovery.

The Act

On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law, putting in place comprehensive reforms that improve access to affordable health coverage for everyone and protect consumers from abusive insurance company practices.

If you are one of the millions of Americans who gets health insurance through work or through a program like Medicare, you are benefiting from rights and consumer protections. The law is making sure consumers and their doctors — not insurance companies — are in charge.

If you are uninsured or are struggling to find affordable health insurance, the health care law brings you options to get covered. A Health Insurance Marketplace in every state offers consumers a choice of private health plans. If you don’t have health insurance, you can qualify for financial help to lower the cost of premiums in the Marketplace, and many Americans can get a plan for less than $100 per month.

Expanding the Public Health Workforce

The Affordable Care Act increases the number of people who will be eligible for health care under Medicaid in 2014, some of whom may need intervention and treatment services for substance use disorders. To fill this service gap, training from medical and non-medical professionals currently working in the field, as well as new groups of behavioral health specialists to fill new jobs is needed.

Electronic Health Records

Individual patient Electronic Health Records (EHRs) as part of health information computer systems gives health care providers the ability to address substance use disorders in primary care settings. With this information, health care providers will be able to accurately document a patient’s complete medical history. Under development are Electronic Health Records with privacy features that allow for the integration of substance use disorder treatment records into an individual’s Electronic Health Record. Certified Electronic Health Record systems will allow for the exchange of substance use information between medical professionals when appropriate, and with patient consent.

Health Law: Medical Consequences of Drug Abuse

Consequences of using drugs

Consequences of Drug Abuse on Society

See in this legal encyclopedia about the social consequences of drug abuse.

Drug Addiction and Effects

Related topics about Substance Abuse also include:

  • drug addiction causes
  • drug addiction effects
  • effects of drugs
  • types of drugs



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