Thomas Johnson

Thomas Johnson in the United States

Johnson, Thomas (1732_1819)

United States Constitution

According to the Encyclopedia of the American Constitution, about its article titled 359 JOHNSON, THOMAS (1732_1819) Thomas Johnson served in Maryland’s colonial House of Delegates and was a member of committees to instruct delegates to the stamp act congress and to draft a protest against the townshend acts. He sat in the Continental Congress but was absent when the declaration of
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Thomas Johnson

Introduction to Thomas Johnson

Thomas Johnson (1732-1819), American jurist, associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1791), born in Calvert County, Maryland. He was a leader of the prerevolutionary agitation in Maryland and was a prominent member of the Continental Congress, in which he proposed (1775) the appointment of George Washington as commander in chief of the Continental Army. Early in 1777 Johnson was elected governor of Maryland and held that office through 1779. He supported ratification of the U.S. Constitution and was a member of the Maryland convention that ratified it in 1788.” (1)


Notes and References

Guide to Thomas Johnson



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