MPEPIL: Public Law: O

MPEPIL: Encyclopedia of Public Law: O in the United States

Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (MPEPIL): Articles listed alphabetically

View a list of articles beginning with this letter:

1. Objective Regime, Fernández de Casadevante Romani, Carlos
2. Obligations erga omnes, Frowein, Jochen A
3. Occupation, Belligerent, Benvenisti, Eyal
4. Occupation, Military, Termination of, Roberts, Adam
5. Occupation, Pacific, Benvenisti, Eyal
6. Oder-Neisse Line, Eitel, Tono
7. Oil Concession Disputes, Arbitration on, von Walter, André
8. Oil for Food Programme, Oette, Lutz
9. Oil Platforms Case, Bothe, Michael
10. Okavango River, (Rock) Pring, George and Strother, Britta L
11. Ombudsperson, Fabbricotti, Alberta
12. Opinion 1/94, Heliskoski, Joni
13. Opinion and Expression, Freedom of, International Protection, Wenzel, Nicola
14. Option of Nationality, Ronen, Yaël
15. Optional Provision, Fuchs, Eileen
16. Orange River, Pring, George (Rock) and Abosedra, Matthew S
17. Ordre public (Public Policy), Gebauer, Martin
18. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Bonucci, Nicola and Kothari, Gita
19. Organization for Economic cooperation and Development, International Energy Agency (IEA), Trüe, Christiane
20. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Nuclear Energy Agency, Trüe, Christiane
21. Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Fastenrath, Ulrich and Weigelt, Katja
22. Organization for Security and cooperation in Europe, Court of Conciliation and Arbitration, Steinberger, Helmut
23. Organization of American States (OAS), Arrighi, Jean-Michel
24. Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), O’Brien, Derek
25. Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), Mahmoudi, Said
26. Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Moos, Lisa
27. Oscar Chinn Case, Tams, Christian J
28. Ottoman Debt Arbitration, Holm-Hadulla, Moritz
29. Outer Space, Vereshchetin, Vladlen S
30. Outer Space, Liability for Damage, Pedrazzi, Marco
31. Overflight, Wouters, Jan and Demeyere, Bruno
32. Overseas Territories, Australia, France, Netherlands, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States of America, Novak, Gregor
33. Ozone Layer, International Protection, Sarma, K Madhava and Andersen, Stephen O and Zaelke, Durwood and Taddonio, Kristen N



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