
Lexis in United States

Lexis is a huge database which offers mainly North American content, but includes sources from other countries. It also offers  extensive coverage for journal articles in full text

Lexis provides access to extensive primary and secondary sources for the US. It also has a large collection of material for other jurisdictions, with a variable amount of coverage depending on the jurisdiction.

Note: Lexis doesn’t consistently open the same page when you first log in, and the instructions on this page may be difficult to follow unless you start from the same page as us! If the database opens at the page shown in the image here on the right (the “All” tab page), it needs to be changed to the “Legal” tab screen as shown in the image below.


Unlike other databases there’s no search option on the first Lexis screen.

  • Lexis organises its sources under jurisdictions which, apart from the US, are organised under  Find Laws by Country or Region, lower down in the right hand column.
  • All jurisdictions apart from the US which are included in Lexis are accessible via  the Foreign Laws & Legal Sources library.


  • Key word searches are good for finding out what’s available on a general topic
  • Segment searching (aka field searching) works well if you have a very specific search in mind as you can limit your search so the terms only appear in certain fields.