Government-Sponsored Enterprise

Government-Sponsored Enterprise in the United States

Government-Sponsored Enterprise (GSE) in the Federal Budget Process

Meaning of Government-Sponsored Enterprise in the congressional and executive budget processes (GAO source): A privately owned and operated federally chartered financial institution that facilitates the flow of investment funds to specific economic sectors. GSEs, acting as financial intermediaries, provide these sectors access to national capital markets. The activities of GSEs are not included in the federal budget’s totals because they are classified as private entities. However, because of their relationship to the government, detailed statements of financial operations and conditions are presented as supplementary information in the budget document. For the purposes of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, as amended (2 U.S.C. § 622(8)), an entity must meet certain criteria to qualify as a GSE. (For distinctions, see Mixed-Ownership Government Corporation; Off-Budget; Wholly-Owned Government Corporation.)

Finding the law: Government Sponsored Enterprises in the U.S. Code

A collection of general and permanent laws relating to government sponsored enterprises, passed by the United States Congress, are organized by subject matter arrangements in the United States Code (U.S.C.; this label examines government sponsored enterprises topics), to make them easy to use (usually, organized by legal areas into Titles, Chapters and Sections). The platform provides introductory material to the U.S. Code, and cross references to case law. View the U.S. Code’s table of contents here.


See Also

Further Reading

  • Legislatures and the budget process: the myth of fiscal control

    (J Wehner, 2010)

  • Reconcilable Differences?: Congress, the Budget Process, and the Deficit (JB Gilmour, 1990)
  • Fiscal institutions and fiscal performance

    (JM Poterba, J von Hagen, 2008)



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