
Hornbooks in the United States

Hornbooks are usually single volume legal books that are written by law professors for law students. Hornbooks summarize and explain a particular area of the law, discuss major cases, and present “black letter law.”

Hornbooks examples are:

  • Alfred C. Aman & William T. Mayton, Administrative Law (2d ed. 2001)
  • Richard J. Pierce et al., Administrative Law and Process (5th ed. 2009)
  • Carolyn L. Carter & Jonathan Sheldon, Unfair and Deceptive Acts and Practices (7th ed. 2008-date)
  • Herbert Hovenkamp, Federal Antitrust Policy: The Law of Competition and Its Practice (3d ed. 2005)
  • Lawrence A. Sullivan & Warren S. Grimes, The Law of Antitrust: An Integrated Handbook (2nd ed. 2006)
  • William C. Holmes, Antitrust Law Handbook (annual)

Stoebuck and Whitman's Hornbook on the Law of Property Database

This is a database related to interests in and transfers of real estate, in the following material: General Treatises, Forms, and Practice Guides. A description of this real estate database is provided below:

Full text of The Law of Property, Third Edition, which discusses present and future estates in land and comparable interests in personalty, concurrent ownership, landlord and tenant law, and rights against neighbors and other third persons. The book also examines easements and profits, running covenants, governmental controls on land use, land contracts, conveyances, titles, and recording systems. Not available to law school subscribers.

Further information on United States legal research databases, including real property databases, are provided following the former link.