First Continental Congress

First Continental Congress in the United States

Declarations and Resolves of First Continental Congress (October 1, 1774)

United States Constitution

According to the Encyclopedia of the American Constitution, about its article titled 546 FIRST CONTINENTAL CONGRESS, DECLARATIONS AND RESOLVES OF (October 1, 1774) The Coercive or Intolerable Acts, passed by Parliament in 1774, threatened colonial self-government. The Boston Port Act sought to starve Boston into paying a tax on tea and making reparations for the “Boston Tea Party.” The
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First Continental Congress in the U.S. Legal History


This body was the most important expression of intercolonial protest activity up to 1774. Called in response to Parliament’s Coercive Acts, the delegates met in Philadelphia for nearly two months. More radical delegates dominated the deliberations. Before dissolving itself, the Congress called for ongoing resistance, even military preparations to defend American communities, and a second congress, should King and Parliament not redress American grievances.



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