Continuing Legal Education

Continuing Legal Education in the United States

Each state’s CLE rules are published in The Lawyer’s Almanac. A summary of each state’s rules are posted on the Web by the ABA Center for Continuing Legal Education. The ALI-ABA posts a chart of states that accept online, self-study and other non-traditional CLE classes.

Lists of upcoming CLE seminars are published in the back of the CLE Journal, in legal newspapers, on legal newspaper websites, on Bar association websites, and on the websites of sponsoring organizations.

Many publishers offer online CLE courses, including the ALI-CLE, the ABA CLE Center, Celesq, ALM’s CLE Center, CLE Online, PLI, SmartPros, Strafford, My Law Training and the West LegalEdCenter.

Lexis has databases of course materials from CLE classes sponsored by the ABI, the ALI-ABA, the National Institute for Trial Advocacy, the Florida Bar, the Texas Bar and the Illinois Institute for CLE.

See Also

American Bar Association
Bar Associations
Search Engines



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