Roscoe Pound

Roscoe Pound in the United States

Pound, Roscoe (1870_1964)

United States Constitution

According to the Encyclopedia of the American Constitution, about its article titled 475 POUND, ROSCOE (1870_1964) Roscoe Pound was a prominent legal educator, a distinguished philosopher of law, and a prolific writer. His major contribution to American law was his formative role in the development of sociological jurisprudence. He elaborated this instrumentalist approach during the
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Roscoe Pound

Introduction to Roscoe Pound

Roscoe Pound (1870-1964), American jurist. He was the leading exponent of what became known as sociological jurisprudence: the idea that the law must be sufficiently flexible to take into account social realities in order to provide the maximum of people’s wants with the minimum of friction and waste. He regarded this as a form of social engineering that required the balancing of competing interests, classified as individual, public, and social interests. Pound wrote several influential books, including The Spirit of the Common Law (1921).” (1)


Notes and References

Guide to Roscoe Pound



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