Democratic Party In The Reagan Administration

Democratic Party in the Reagan Administration in the United States

Democratic Party The Reagan Setback

Introduction to Democratic Party in the Reagan Administration

Landslide victories by Republican presidential nominee Ronald Reagan over Carter in 1980 and Walter Mondale in 1984 further wounded the Democrats, but the party rebounded in 1986 to take control of the U.S. Senate, which had been in Republican hands for six years. The Democrats entered the fall 1988 presidential campaign more unified than at any time since 1976 but were unable to overcome the portrayal of their nominee, Michael Dukakis, as “out of the mainstream” on social, economic, and defense issues; Republican George Bush won the election. However, the Democrats did increase their Senate, House, gubernatorial, and state legislative majorities in the 1988 elections.” (1)


Notes and References

Guide to Democratic Party in the Reagan Administration

In this Section

Democratic Party, Jacksonian Party, Democratic Party in the North-South Conflict period, Democratic Party in the Lincon Administration, Democratic Party Divisions, Wilsonian Era, New Deal, Democratic Party After Eisenhower, Democratic Party in the Carter Administration, Democratic Party in the Reagan Administration, Democratic Party in the Clinton Administration, Al Gore, Democratic Party in the Bush Administration, Barack Obama.



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