Toxic Release Inventory

Toxic Release Inventory in the United States

Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) in Environmental Law

A report of routine releases of toxic chemicals to the environment. It is prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency, based on information submitted due to the Emergency Planning and Community RightToKnow Act.

Companies that manufacture or use chemicals listed under the statute must report every year if they (1) have ten or more full time employees, (2) fall within specified industrial classifications, and (3) manufacture or process 25,000 pounds per year or use 10,000 pounds per year. Information about releases must cover releases to air, water, land, and offsite locations.

The Toxic Release Inventory is available to the public. Compilation of the first inventory showed surprising results: the release of toxic chemicals to the environment was much greater than most people supposed. Prior to that, the government and public assumed exposure to many chemicals was confined to the workplace.
Based on “Environment and the Law. A Dictionary”.



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