Substitutio Haeredis

Substitutio Haeredis in United States

Substitutio Haeredis Definition

(Lat.) In Roman law, it was competent for a testator, after instituting a haeres (called the “haeres institutus”) , to substitute another (called the “haeres substitutus”) in his place in a certain event. If the event upon which the substitution was to take effect was the refusal of the instituted heir to accept the inheritance at all, then the substitution was called “vulgaris” (or common) ; but if the event was the death of the infant (pupillus) after acceptance, and before attaining his majority (of fourteen years if a male, and of twelve years if a female) , then the substitution was called “pupilUms” (or for minors). Brown.

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Legal Issue for Attorneys

(Lat.) In Roman law, it was competent for a testator, after instituting a haeres (called the “haeres institutus”) , to substitute another (called the “haeres substitutus”) in his place in a certain event. If the event upon which the substitution was to take effect was the refusal of the instituted heir to accept the inheritance at all, then the substitution was called “vulgaris” (or common) ; but if the event was the death of the infant (pupillus) after acceptance, and before attaining his majority (of fourteen years if a male, and of twelve years if a female) , then the substitution was called “pupilUms” (or for minors). Brown.


This definition of Substitutio Haeredis is based on The Cyclopedic Law Dictionary. This entry needs to be proofread.




