Locatio Operis Faciendi

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Locatio Operis Faciendi Definition

(Lat.) In civil law. Hire of services to be performed. There are two kinds: First, the locatio operis fadendi, strictly so called, or the hire of labor and services; such as the hire of tailors to make clothes, and of jewelers to set gems, and of watchmakers to repair watches. Jones, Bailm. 9t), 96, 97. Secondly, locatio custodiae, or the receiving of goods on deposit for a reward, which is properly the hire of care and attention about the goods. Story, Bailm. §§ 422, 442; 1 Bouv. Inst, note 994. In contracts for work. It is of the essence of the contract, first, that there should be work to be done ; secondly, for a price or reward; and, thirdly, a lawful contract between parties capable and intending to contract. Poth. du Contr. de Louage, notes 395-403.

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Legal Issue for Attorneys

(Lat.) In civil law. Hire of services to be performed. There are two kinds: First, the locatio operis fadendi, strictly so called, or the hire of labor and services; such as the hire of tailors to make clothes, and of jewelers to set gems, and of watchmakers to repair watches. Jones, Bailm. 9t), 96, 97. Secondly, locatio custodiae, or the receiving of goods on deposit for a reward, which is properly the hire of care and attention about the goods. Story, Bailm. §§ 422, 442; 1 Bouv. Inst, note 994. In contracts for work. It is of the essence of the contract, first, that there should be work to be done ; secondly, for a price or reward; and, thirdly, a lawful contract between parties capable and intending to contract. Poth. du Contr. de Louage, notes 395-403.


This definition of Locatio Operis Faciendi is based on The Cyclopedic Law Dictionary. This entry needs to be proofread.




