Cinque Ports

Cinque Ports in United States

Cinque Ports Definition

The five ports of England which lie towards France. These ports, on account of their importance as defenses to the kingdom, early had certain privileges granted them, and in recompense were bound to furnish a certain number of ships and men to serve on the king’s summons once in each year. “The service that the barons of the Cinque Ports acknowledge to owe, upon the king’s summons, if it shall happen, to attend with their ships fifteen days at their own cost and charges, and so long as the king pleases, at his own charge.” Cowell, “Quinque Portus,” The Cinque Ports are Dover, Sandwich, Hastings, Hithe, and Romney. WJnchelsea and Rye are reckoned parts of Sandwich; and the other of the Cinque Ports have ports appended to them in like manner. The Cinque Ports have a lord warden, who had a peculiar jurisdiction, sending out writs in his own name, and who is also constable of Dover Castle. The jurisdiction was abolished by 18 & 19 Vict. c. 48; 20 & 21 Vict. e. 1. The representatives in parliament and the inhabitants of the Cinque Ports are each termed “barons.” Brande; Cowell; Termes de la Ley.

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Legal Issue for Attorneys

The five ports of England which lie towards France. These ports, on account of their importance as defenses to the kingdom, early had certain privileges granted them, and in recompense were bound to furnish a certain number of ships and men to serve on the king’s summons once in each year. “The service that the barons of the Cinque Ports acknowledge to owe, upon the king’s summons, if it shall happen, to attend with their ships fifteen days at their own cost and charges, and so long as the king pleases, at his own charge.” Cowell, “Quinque Portus,” The Cinque Ports are Dover, Sandwich, Hastings, Hithe, and Romney. WJnchelsea and Rye are reckoned parts of Sandwich; and the other of the Cinque Ports have ports appended to them in like manner. The Cinque Ports have a lord warden, who had a peculiar jurisdiction, sending out writs in his own name, and who is also constable of Dover Castle. The jurisdiction was abolished by 18 & 19 Vict. c. 48; 20 & 21 Vict. e. 1. The representatives in parliament and the inhabitants of the Cinque Ports are each termed “barons.” Brande; Cowell; Termes de la Ley.


This definition of Cinque Ports is based on The Cyclopedic Law Dictionary. This entry needs to be proofread.




