Trade Associations

Trade Associations in the United States

Legal Materials

For general information on trade associations, look in the Encyclopedia of Associations, which is available as a multi-volume hard cover, on the Gale Directory Library and on Lexis (ENASSC). Also check to see if the association has a Web site, and check the relevant news sources for articles.

Reports: The Investext Group sells reports published by trade associations. If you are looking for a specific report, it may be cheaper to contact the association directly (or an industry-specific library, if you know of one). For older reports, you can also search OCLC’s WorldCat.

Treatises: A good comprehensive treatise on this topics is The Law of Associations(LexisNexis) which is available as a one-volume print treatise and on Lexis (LAWASC).

Trade Associations and the State Laws

Select from the list of U.S. States below for state-specific information on Trade Associations:


See Also

Analyst Reports
Nonprofit Organizations
Trade Journals

Further Reading



