Tag: SI

  • Silencers

    Silencers in the United States Resources See Also Assassination Weapons, Mechanical CIA (United States Central Intelligence Agency) Espionage Intelligence Agent OSS (United States Office of Strategic Services U-2 Incident Ballistics; Crime scene investigation; Gunshot residue. Further Reading […]

  • Sick Pay

    Sick Pay in the United States Sick Pay and the State Laws Select from the list of U.S. States below for state-specific information on Sick Pay: Sick Pay in the Subject Index of the Alabama Portal Sick Pay in the Subject Index of the Alaska Portal Sick Pay in the Subject Index of the Arizona…

  • Silver Bill

    Silver Bill in the United States Silver Bill in 1899 (United States) The following information about Silver Bill is from the Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political Economy, and the Political History of the United States by the Best American and European Writers. SILVER BILL. (See HAYES, R. B.)

  • Signing Statement Early History

    Signing Statement Early History in the United States Early History of Signing Statements Introduction to Signing Statement Early History James Monroe is believed to be the first president to issue a signing statement. Monroe was also one of the few 19th century presidents to use such a […]

  • Simon Herbert A

    Simon Herbert A in the United States Introduction to Simon Herbert A Herbert A. Simon (1916-2001), American political scientist, also known for his work in economics, psychology, and computer science. He received the 1978 Nobel Prize in economics for his explanation of decision-making […]

  • Signing Statement

    Signing Statement in the United States Introduction to Signing Statement Signing Statement, opinion or commentary issued by the president of the United States upon signing legislation passed by the U.S. Congress. The written statement may have various purposes. It may simply declare the […]

  • Situs

    Situs in United States Situs Definition (Lat.) Situation; location. 5 Pet. (U. S.) 524. Real estate has always a fixed sites, while personal estate has no such fixed situs; the law rei sitae regulates real, but not the personal, estate. Story, Confl. Laws, § 379. The rules as to the situs of […]

  • Sic

    Sic in United States Sic Definition (Lat.) Thus; so; in such manner. Sic in Foreign Legal Encyclopedias LinkDescription Sic, Sic in the World Legal Encyclopedia., Sic, Sic in the European Legal Encyclopedia., Sic, Sic in the Asian Legal Encyclopedia., Sic, Sic in the UK Legal […]

  • Sit

    Sit in the United States Resources See Also Legal Topics. Further Reading (Articles) SIT clears Modi, court yet to decide, DNA : Daily News & Analysis; April 11, 2012 Sit-down rounds improve outcomes for dialysis patients., Biotech Week; December 15, 2004 SIT clears Modi but CM can’t claim […]

  • Sierra Club

    Sierra Club in the United States Sierra Club in Environmental Law An organization founded in 1892 by John Muir. It is dedicated to environmental concerns and uses a number of methods to influence decisions: public education, lobbying, lawsuits, and involvement in administrative processes. The […]

  • Significant New Use Rule

    Significant New Use Rule in the United States Significant New Use Rule (SNUR) in Environmental Law Toxic Substances Control Act, a person who wishes to manufacture or import a new chemical must register it with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) prior to beginning that activity if the […]

  • Sixteenth Amendment

    Sixteenth Amendment in the United States United States Constitution According to the Encyclopedia of the American Constitution, about its article titled SIXTEENTH AMENDMENTThe Sixteenth Amendment was designed to circumvent pollock v. farmers ‘ loan and trust co. (1895) , in which the Supreme […]

  • Simon Sobeloff

    Simon Sobeloff in the United States Sobeloff, Simon E. (1894_1973) United States Constitution According to the Encyclopedia of the American Constitution, about its article titled 573 SOBELOFF, SIMON E. (1894_1973) Born in Baltimore, Maryland, to immigrant parents, Simon Sobeloff began his long […]

  • Sinking Fund Cases

    Sinking Fund Cases in the United States Sinking Fund Cases Union Pacific Railroad Co. v. United States 99 U.S. 700 (1879) Central Pacific Railroad Co. v. Gallatin 99 U.S. 727 (1879) United States Constitution According to the Encyclopedia of the American Constitution, about its article titled […]

  • Silver Platter Doctrine

    Silver Platter Doctrine in the United States United States Constitution According to the Encyclopedia of the American Constitution, about its article titled 598 SILVER PLATTER DOCTRINEweeks v. united states (1914) , which formulated the exclusionary rule for federal prosecutions, made an […]