Tag: QU

  • Quum

    Quum in United States Quum Definition (Lat.) When. Quum in Foreign Legal Encyclopedias LinkDescription Quum, Quum in the World Legal Encyclopedia., Quum, Quum in the European Legal Encyclopedia., Quum, Quum in the Asian Legal Encyclopedia., Quum, Quum in the UK Legal Encyclopedia., […]

  • Quoniaivi Attach Lalvlenta

    Quoniaivi Attach Lalvlenta in United States Quoniaivi Attach Lalvlenta Definition (Law Lat.) Since the attachments. One of the oldest books in the Scotch law; so called from the two first words of the volume. Bell, Diet. Still sometimes cited in argument, in the Scotch courts. 7 Wilson & S. […]

  • Quorum Praetexta, Nec Auget Nee Minuit Sententlam, Sed Tantum Conflrmat Prae Missa

    Quorum Praetexta, Nec Auget Nee Minuit Sententlam, Sed Tantum Conflrmat Prae Missa in United States Quorum Praetexta, Nec Auget Nee Minuit Sententlam, Sed Tantum Conflrmat Prae Missa Definition QuoruTn praetexta neither increases nor diminishes the meaning, but only confirms that which went […]

  • Quorum Unus

    Quorum Unus in United States Quorum Unus Definition One of the quorum. In England it was formerly the practice to appoint certain justices of the peace, one of whom must be present for the transaction of certain business, such justices being named in the commission of all the justices (quorum […]

  • Quot

    Quot in United States Quot Definition In Scotch law. The twentieth part of the movables, computed without computation of debts, was so called. Formerly the bishop was entitled, in all confirmations, to the quot of the testament. Ersk. Inst. 3. 9. 11. Quot in Foreign Legal Encyclopedias […]

  • Quotation, The Listed Price Bid, Offered, Or Paid For Properties Or Commodities Currently Dealt In

    Quotation, The Listed Price Bid, Offered, Or Paid For Properties Or Commodities Currently Dealt In in United States Quotation, The Listed Price Bid, Offered, Or Paid For Properties Or Commodities Currently Dealt In Definition Quotation, The Listed Price Bid, Offered, Or Paid For Properties […]

  • Quotiens Dubia Interpretatio Llbertatis Est, Secundum Libertatem Responde/idum Erit

    Quotiens Dubia Interpretatio Llbertatis Est, Secundum Libertatem Responde/idum Erit in United States Quotiens Dubia Interpretatio Llbertatis Est, Secundum Libertatem Responde/idum Erit Definition Whenever there is a doubt between liberty and slavery, the decision must be in favor of liberty. […]

  • Quotiens Idem Sermo Duas Sententias Exprimit, Ea Potissimum Exclpiatur, Quae Rei Gerendae Aptior Est

    Quotiens Idem Sermo Duas Sententias Exprimit, Ea Potissimum Exclpiatur, Quae Rei Gerendae Aptior Est in United States Quotiens Idem Sermo Duas Sententias Exprimit, Ea Potissimum Exclpiatur, Quae Rei Gerendae Aptior Est Definition Whenever the same words express two meanings, that is to be […]

  • Quorum Praetexta, Nec Auget Nee Minuit Sententlam, Sed Tantum Conflrmat Prae Missa

    Quorum Praetexta, Nec Auget Nee Minuit Sententlam, Sed Tantum Conflrmat Prae Missa in United States Quorum Praetexta, Nec Auget Nee Minuit Sententlam, Sed Tantum Conflrmat Prae Missa Definition QuoruTn praetexta neither increases nor diminishes the meaning, but only confirms that which went […]

  • Quoties In Stipulationibus Ambigua Oratio Est, Commodlssimum Est Id Accipi Quo Res -de Quo Agitur, In Tuto Sit

    Quoties In Stipulationibus Ambigua Oratio Est, Commodlssimum Est Id Accipi Quo Res -de Quo Agitur, In Tuto Sit in United States Quoties In Stipulationibus Ambigua Oratio Est, Commodlssimum Est Id Accipi Quo Res -de Quo Agitur, In Tuto Sit Definition Whenever in stipulations the expression is […]

  • Quotation, The Listed Price Bid, Offered, Or Paid For Properties Or Commodities Currently Dealt In

    Quotation, The Listed Price Bid, Offered, Or Paid For Properties Or Commodities Currently Dealt In in United States Quotation, The Listed Price Bid, Offered, Or Paid For Properties Or Commodities Currently Dealt In Definition Quotation, The Listed Price Bid, Offered, Or Paid For Properties […]

  • Quoties In Verbis Nulla Est Aivibiguitas Ibi Nulla Expositio Contra Verba Fienda Est

    Quoties In Verbis Nulla Est Aivibiguitas Ibi Nulla Expositio Contra Verba Fienda Est in United States Quoties In Verbis Nulla Est Aivibiguitas Ibi Nulla Expositio Contra Verba Fienda Est Definition When there is no ambiguity in the words, then no exposition contrary to the words is to be […]

  • Quotiens Dubia Interpretatio Llbertatis Est, Secundum Libertatem Responde/idum Erit

    Quotiens Dubia Interpretatio Llbertatis Est, Secundum Libertatem Responde/idum Erit in United States Quotiens Dubia Interpretatio Llbertatis Est, Secundum Libertatem Responde/idum Erit Definition Whenever there is a doubt between liberty and slavery, the decision must be in favor of liberty. […]

  • Quousque

    Quousque in United States Quousque Definition A Latin adverb, which signifies how long, how far, until. In old conveyances, it is used as a word of limitation. 10 Coke, 41. In practice, it is the name of an execution which is to have force until the defendant shall do a certain thing. Of this […]

  • Quousque

    Quousque in United States Quousque Definition A Latin adverb, which signifies how long, how far, until. In old conveyances, it is used as a word of limitation. 10 Coke, 41. In practice, it is the name of an execution which is to have force until the defendant shall do a certain thing. Of this […]