Tag: MU

  • Muckrakers

    Muckrakers in the United States Muckrakers in the U.S. Legal History Summary Investigative journalists during the Progressive Era, they wrote sensational exposes of social and political problems that helped spark the reform movements of their day.

  • Muckrakers

    Muckrakers in the United States Muckrakers in the U.S. Legal History Summary Investigative journalists during the Progressive Era, they wrote sensational exposes of social and political problems that helped spark the reform movements of their day.

  • Municipal Law Practice

    Municipal Law Practice in the United States Most Popular Entries related to Municipal Law Practice Municipal Law (in the United States) Municipal Law Handbook (in the United States) Municipal attorney (in the United States) Municipal Enforcement (in the United States) Municipal Law […]

  • Municipal Law Practice

    Municipal Law Practice in the United States Most Popular Entries related to Municipal Law Practice Municipal Law (in the United States) Municipal Law Handbook (in the United States) Municipal attorney (in the United States) Municipal Enforcement (in the United States) Municipal Law […]

  • Municipal Corporation

    Municipal Corporation in United States Municipal Corporation Definition A public corporation, created by government for political purposes, and having subordinate and local powers of legislation; e. g., a county, town, city, etc. 2 Kent, Comm. 275; Angell & A. Corp. 9, 29; 1 Baldw. (U. S.) […]

  • Municipal Corporation

    Municipal Corporation in United States Municipal Corporation Definition A public corporation, created by government for political purposes, and having subordinate and local powers of legislation; e. g., a county, town, city, etc. 2 Kent, Comm. 275; Angell & A. Corp. 9, 29; 1 Baldw. (U. S.) […]

  • Mugwumps

    Mugwumps in the United States Mugwumps (in Politics) Related to political science, the following is a definition of Mugwumps in the U.S. practice of politics: Mugwumps were Republicans who supported Democratic presidential candidate Grover Cleveland in 1884 because they viewed their own […]

  • Mugwumps

    Mugwumps in the United States Mugwumps (in Politics) Related to political science, the following is a definition of Mugwumps in the U.S. practice of politics: Mugwumps were Republicans who supported Democratic presidential candidate Grover Cleveland in 1884 because they viewed their own […]

  • Multiplicity of Actions

    Multiplicity of Actions in the United States Meaning of Multiplicity of Actions In plain or simple terms, Multiplicity of Actions means: Numerous and unnecessary attempts to litigate the same issue.

  • Multi-State Plan

    Multi-state Plan in the United States Concept of Multi-state Plan in Health Insurance Law In this context, the following is a definition of Multi-state Plan: A plan, created by PPACA and overseen by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM), that will be available in every state through […]

  • Multi-State Plan

    Multi-state Plan in the United States Concept of Multi-state Plan in Health Insurance Law In this context, the following is a definition of Multi-state Plan: A plan, created by PPACA and overseen by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM), that will be available in every state through […]

  • Municipal Water Law

    Municipal Water Law in the United States Most Popular Entries related to Municipal Water Law Municipal Law (in the United States) Municipal Law Handbook (in the United States) Municipal attorney (in the United States) Municipal Enforcement (in the United States) Municipal Law Definition […]

  • Municipal Water Law

    Municipal Water Law in the United States Most Popular Entries related to Municipal Water Law Municipal Law (in the United States) Municipal Law Handbook (in the United States) Municipal attorney (in the United States) Municipal Enforcement (in the United States) Municipal Law Definition […]

  • Multiplicity

    Multiplicity in United States Multiplicity Definition (from Lat. multiplex, from multus, many, and pUcare, to fold). A state of being many. Webster. That quality of a pleading which involves a variety of matters or particulars; undue variety. 2 Saund. 410. A multiplying or increasing. Story, […]

  • Multiplicity

    Multiplicity in United States Multiplicity Definition (from Lat. multiplex, from multus, many, and pUcare, to fold). A state of being many. Webster. That quality of a pleading which involves a variety of matters or particulars; undue variety. 2 Saund. 410. A multiplying or increasing. Story, […]