Tag: Local Government Law

  • Judicial Review

    Judicial Review in the United States Concept of Judicial Review In the U.S., in the context of Judiciary power and branch, Judicial Review has the following meaning: The power of the judicial branch to review actions of the legislative and executive branches (as well as the state governments) […]

  • Gambling

    Gambling in United States Gambling Definition See "Gaming." Gambling in Foreign Legal Encyclopedias LinkDescription Gambling, Gambling in the World Legal Encyclopedia., Gambling, Gambling in the European Legal Encyclopedia., Gambling, Gambling […]

  • Fees

    Fees in the United States Fees and the State Laws Select from the list of U.S. States below for state-specific information on Fees: Fees in the Subject Index of the Alabama Portal Fees in the Subject Index of the Alaska Portal Fees in the Subject Index of the Arizona Portal Fees in the Subject […]

  • Fees

    Fees in the United States Fees and the State Laws Select from the list of U.S. States below for state-specific information on Fees: Fees in the Subject Index of the Alabama Portal Fees in the Subject Index of the Alaska Portal Fees in the Subject Index of the Arizona Portal Fees in the Subject […]

  • Political Activities

    Political Activities in the United States Political Activities in relation to Local Government Regulatory Functions Find out in this American legal Encyclopedia the information on Political Activities in relation to Local Government Regulatory Power and Function (and in the context of local […]

  • Political Activities

    Political Activities in the United States Political Activities in relation to Local Government Regulatory Functions Find out in this American legal Encyclopedia the information on Political Activities in relation to Local Government Regulatory Power and Function (and in the context of local […]

  • Civil Rights

    Civil Rights in the United States Civil Rights Definition The rights of a citizen; the rights of an individual as a citizen; the rights due from one citizen to another, the privation of which is a civil wrong, for which redress may be sought in a civil action. Also sometimes applied to the […]

  • Civil Rights

    Civil Rights in the United States Civil Rights Definition The rights of a citizen; the rights of an individual as a citizen; the rights due from one citizen to another, the privation of which is a civil wrong, for which redress may be sought in a civil action. Also sometimes applied to the […]

  • Administration

    Administration in United States Administration Definition (Lat. Administrare, to assist in). Management or control. Of Government. The management of the executive department of the government. Those charged with the management of the executive department of the government. Of Estates. The […]

  • Administration

    Administration in United States Administration Definition (Lat. Administrare, to assist in). Management or control. Of Government. The management of the executive department of the government. Those charged with the management of the executive department of the government. Of Estates. The […]

  • Compensation

    Compensation in United States Compensation Definition (Lat. compendere, to balance). Indemnification ; recompense. Something to be done for or paid to another of equal value with something of which he has been deprived by the act or negligence of the party so doing or pajring. That which […]

  • Compensation

    Compensation in United States Compensation Definition (Lat. compendere, to balance). Indemnification ; recompense. Something to be done for or paid to another of equal value with something of which he has been deprived by the act or negligence of the party so doing or pajring. That which […]

  • Licensing

    Licensing in the United States Licensing in the International Business Landscape Definition of Licensing in the context of U.S. international business and public trade policy: Occurs when a firm (the licensor) licenses the right to produce its product, use its production processes, or use […]

  • Inspections

    Inspections in the United States Inspections and the State Laws Select from the list of U.S. States below for state-specific information on Inspections: Inspections in the Subject Index of the Alabama Portal Inspections in the Subject Index of the Alaska Portal Inspections in the Subject Index […]

  • Injunctions

    Injunctions in the United States Injunctions and the State Laws Select from the list of U.S. States below for state-specific information on Injunctions: Injunctions in the Subject Index of the Alabama Portal Injunctions in the Subject Index of the Alaska Portal Injunctions in the Subject Index […]