Tag: Judges

  • Pitcairn Law

    Pitcairn law in the United States The Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of New Zealand concerning Trials under Pitcairn Law in New Zealand and Related Matters was signed by the New Zealand Minister of Foreign […]

  • Jurisprudence constante

    Jurisprudence constante in the United States In Louisiana, courts are not bound by the doctrine of stare decisis, but there is a recognition in this State of the doctrine of jurisprudence constante. Unlike stare decisis, this latter doctrine does not contemplate adherence to a principle of […]

  • Stages of a Criminal Case

    Stages of a Criminal Case in the United States                          Chronology Felony  Misdemeanor Stop – Temporary detention of an individual for investigation. To be legal, a stop must be based on reasonable suspicion to believe the individual has […]

  • Differences between a Grand jury and a Trial jury

    Differences between a Grand jury and a Trial jury in United States Differences between a Grand jury and a Trial jury The following table contrasts a typical grand jury with a trial jury (again, some specifics, such as the number of jurors, will vary from State to State):   […]

  • Barcelona Traction Case

    Barcelona Traction Case in United States Barcelona Traction Case (1970) A Contentious Case between Belgium and Spain before the ICJ: http://www.icj-cij.org/docket/index.php?p1=3&code=bt&case=41&k=4e Belgium citizens, with stock in the electric company known as Barcelona Traction, sought […]

  • Court library

    Courts libraries or Court library in the United States In the law world, a Court library is a law library located in a courthouse, maintained for the use of judges, courthouse staff, lawyers and their clients, and members of the public, for example, the library of the US Supreme Court. […]

  • Judge Behavior

    Judge Behavior in the United States Justice Felix Frankfurter, one of the Supreme Court’s headier writers, once threw a rope of aphorism to judges who reverse themselves. Wisdom too often never comes, he said, and so one ought not to reject it merely because it comes late. The saying captures […]

  • Alex Kozinski

    Alex Kozinski in the United States Judge Alex Kozinski (was) the high-flying conservative of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. (…) The inbox held two new briefs opposing the decision recently issued by three other Ninth Circuit judges to stop the election to recall California governor […]