Tag: Court

  • Clear And Present Danger

    Clear And Present Danger in United States Practical Information Note: Some of this information was last updated in 1982A classic test applied by Justice Holmes in determining what limitations may constitutionally be put upon freedom of speech and press (in U.S. law). The test would be applied […]

  • Civil Court

    Civil Court in United States Practical Information Note: Some of this information was last updated in 1982A body in the government delegated to administer justice in connection with civil wrongs, that is, wrongs arising from the relationship between individuals as such, as distinguished from […]

  • Civil Wrongs

    Civil Wrongs in United States Practical Information Note: Some of this information was last updated in 1982See civil court

  • Chancery Court

    Chancery Court in United States Practical Information Note: Some of this information was last updated in 1982A court or tribunal that has jurisdiction over equity (in U.S. law) or chancery matters. Law actions usually have for their object the assessment of damages, but a court of equity or […]

  • Charge To The Jury

    Charge To The Jury in United States Practical Information Note: Some of this information was last updated in 1982Instructions given by the judge (in U.S. law) to the jury on the principles of law that the jury is required to apply to the facts of the case to return a verdict. Many judges […]

  • Calendar Call

    Calendar Call in United States Practical Information Note: Some of this information was last updated in 1982See docket call (in U.S. law).(Revised by Ann De Vries) What is Calendar Call? For a meaning of it, read Calendar Call in the Legal Dictionary here. Browse and search more U.S. and […]

  • Best Evidence Rule

    Best Evidence Rule in United States Practical Information Note: Some of this information was last updated in 1982A regulation that requires a person who testifies in court seeking to prove the contents of a writing to produce the original writing or satisfactorily to account for its absence. […]

  • Averment

    Averment in United States Averment Definition In pleading. A positive statement of facts, as opposed to an argumentative or inferential one. Cowp. 683; Bac. Abr. Pleas (B). Averments must contain not only matter, but form. In old pleading, the conclusion’ of a plea, whereby the pleader […]

  • Assumption Of The Risk

    Assumption Of The Risk in United States Practical Information Note: Some of this information was last updated in 1982An affirmative defense that claims a plaintiff had knowledge of a condition or situation that is obviously dangerous but still exposed himself or herself to the hazard; the […]

  • Attestation Clause

    Attestation Clause in United States Attestation Clause Definition That clause wherein the witnesses certify that the instrument has been executed before them, and the manner of the execution of the same. Attestation Clause in Foreign Legal Encyclopedias LinkDescription Attestation Clause, […]

  • Annexed Paper

    Annexed Paper in United States Practical Information Note: Some of this information was last updated in 1982An additional piece of paper containing auxiliary material, which is attached to a notice (in U.S. law), such as a notice (in U.S. law) of Appearance in Equity Case, Notice of Filing and […]

  • Aggrieved Party

    Aggrieved Party in United States Practical Information Note: Some of this information was last updated in 1982A person who has been injured or suffered a loss; one whose personal or property rights have been violated by another person.(Revised by Ann De Vries) What is Aggrieved Party? For a […]

  • Affirmance

    Affirmance in United States Affirmance Definition The confirmation of a voidable act by the party acting, who is to be bound thereby. The term is in accuracy to be distinguished from ratification, which is a recognition of the validity or binding force, as against the party ratifying, or some […]

  • Alias Summons

    Alias Summons in United States Practical Information Note: Some of this information was last updated in 1982A summons (in U.S. law) that is issued when the original one is not effective because of defective form or improper manner of service. It is prepared like the original summons, except […]

  • Affiant

    Affiant in United States Affiant Definition One who makes an affidavit (q.v.) Affiant in Foreign Legal Encyclopedias LinkDescription Affiant, Affiant in the World Legal Encyclopedia., Affiant, Affiant in the European Legal Encyclopedia., Affiant, Affiant in the Asian Legal Encyclopedia., […]