Tag: Appeals

  • Collateral Order Doctrine

    Collateral Order Doctrine (Appellate Jurisdiction) This section introduces, discusses and describes the basics of collateral order doctrine. Then, cross references and a brief overview about Appellate Jurisdiction is provided. Finally, the subject of Appeals in relation with collateral order […]

  • Appeals to the District Courts

    Appeals to the District Courts in the United States Appeals to United States District Courts (in Disability Claims) Contents Access to judicial review Scope of judicial review Appealable issues Procedure: Filing a complaint Procedure: Obtaining an answer and transcript Preparing for oral […]

  • Due Dates

    Due Dates in the United States The Record and Due Dates (in Disability Claims) Some information about The Record and Due Dates in this context.

  • Stipulated Reversals

    Stipulated Reversals (Appeals) This section introduces, discusses and describes the basics of stipulated reversals. Then, cross references and a brief overview about Appeals is provided. Finally, the subject of Civil Procedure in relation with stipulated reversals is examined. Note that a list […]

  • Clearly Erroneous Review

    Clearly Erroneous Review (Standards of Review) This section introduces, discusses and describes the basics of clearly erroneous review. Then, cross references and a brief overview about Standards of Review is provided. Finally, the subject of Judicial Review in relation with clearly erroneous […]

  • Certiorari

    Certiorari in the United States A writ or order to a lower court, whose decision is being challenged, to send up the records of the case so a higher court can review the lower court’s decision. Certiorari means to be informed, and may be granted to the losing party by the Supreme Court. Until […]

  • Certiorari

    Certiorari in the United States A writ or order to a lower court, whose decision is being challenged, to send up the records of the case so a higher court can review the lower court’s decision. Certiorari means to be informed, and may be granted to the losing party by the Supreme Court. Until […]

  • Complaint

    Complaint in the United States A charging method generally reserved for less serious criminal violations. A complaint may also be used in civil cases in which the assertion of a claim is made to initiate the legal action. In criminal cases, a complaint is submitted to a judicial officer and […]

  • Complaint

    Complaint in the United States A charging method generally reserved for less serious criminal violations. A complaint may also be used in civil cases in which the assertion of a claim is made to initiate the legal action. In criminal cases, a complaint is submitted to a judicial officer and […]

  • Relief Requested

    Relief Requested in the United States Relief Requested (in Disability Claims) Some information about Relief Requested in this context.

  • Relief Requested

    Relief Requested in the United States Relief Requested (in Disability Claims) Some information about Relief Requested in this context.

  • Transcript

    Transcript in United States Transcript Definition (Lat.) A copy of an original writing, deed, or record. In Appellate Practice. The copy of the record transmitted to the appellate court. Transcript in Foreign Legal Encyclopedias LinkDescription Transcript, Transcript in the World Legal […]

  • Appeal Strategy

    Appeal Strategy in the United States Post Appeals Council Strategy (in Disability Claims) Some information about Post Appeals Council Strategy in this context.

  • Appeal Strategy

    Appeal Strategy in the United States Post Appeals Council Strategy (in Disability Claims) Some information about Post Appeals Council Strategy in this context.

  • Access to Judicial Review

    Access to Judicial Review in the United States Access to Judicial Review (in Disability Claims) Some information about Access to Judicial Review in this context.