Tag: Agency Relationships

  • Establishment

    Establishment (Agency Relationships) This section introduces, discusses and describes the basics of establishment. Then, cross references and a brief overview about Agency Relationships is provided. Finally, the subject of Business, Corporate Law in relation with establishment is examined. […]

  • Notice Requirements

    Notice Requirements (Agency Rulemaking) This section introduces, discusses and describes the basics of notice requirements. Then, cross references and a brief overview about Agency Rulemaking is provided. Finally, the subject of Administrative Law in relation with notice requirements is […]

  • Notice Requirements

    Notice Requirements (Agency Rulemaking) This section introduces, discusses and describes the basics of notice requirements. Then, cross references and a brief overview about Agency Rulemaking is provided. Finally, the subject of Administrative Law in relation with notice requirements is […]

  • Compensation

    Compensation in United States Compensation Definition (Lat. compendere, to balance). Indemnification ; recompense. Something to be done for or paid to another of equal value with something of which he has been deprived by the act or negligence of the party so doing or pajring. That which […]

  • Compensation

    Compensation in United States Compensation Definition (Lat. compendere, to balance). Indemnification ; recompense. Something to be done for or paid to another of equal value with something of which he has been deprived by the act or negligence of the party so doing or pajring. That which […]

  • Disclosure

    Disclosure in the United States Release of information by one side in a legal case to the other side. Disclosure typically involves a prosecutor revealing information to the defense in a criminal case, but defense disclosure occurs in certain situations as well. Disclosure is a kind of […]

  • Delegation of Authority

    Delegation of Authority (Authority to Act) This section introduces, discusses and describes the basics of delegation of authority. Then, cross references and a brief overview about Authority to Act is provided. Finally, the subject of Agency Relationships in relation with delegation of […]

  • Husband

    Husband in United States Husband Definition A man who has a wife. Husband in Foreign Legal Encyclopedias LinkDescription Husband, Husband in the World Legal Encyclopedia., Husband, Husband in the European Legal Encyclopedia., Husband, Husband in the […]

  • Operation Of Law

    Operation Of Law in United States Operation Of Law Definition A term applied to indicate the manner in which a party acquires rights without any act of his own, as, the right to an estate of one who dies intestate is cast upon the heir at law, by operation of law. When a lessee for…

  • Statutes of Frauds

    Statutes of Frauds (Authority to Act) This section introduces, discusses and describes the basics of statutes of frauds. Then, cross references and a brief overview about Authority to Act is provided. Finally, the subject of Agency Relationships in relation with statutes of frauds is examined. […]

  • Masters

    Masters (Agents Distinguished) This section introduces, discusses and describes the basics of masters. Then, cross references and a brief overview about Agents Distinguished is provided. Finally, the subject of Agency Relationships in relation with masters is examined. Note that a list of […]

  • Attorney

    Attorney in the United States Also about Attorney: DISTRICT ATTORNEY Occupations Conducts prosecution in court proceedings in behalf of city, county, state, or federal government: Gathers and analyzes evidence in case and reviews pertinent decisions, policies, regulations, and other legal […]

  • Indemnity

    Indemnity in United States Indemnity Definition That which is given to a person to prevent his suffering damage. 2 McCord (S. C.) 279. Security to save harmless. A contract whereby one party agrees to secure another against an anticipated loss or damage, and the liability under which […]

  • Express Ratification

    Express Ratification (Ratification) This section introduces, discusses and describes the basics of express ratification. Then, cross references and a brief overview about Ratification is provided. Finally, the subject of Agency Relationships in relation with express ratification is examined. […]

  • Undisclosed Principal

    Undisclosed Principal (Disclosure) This section introduces, discusses and describes the basics of undisclosed principal. Then, cross references and a brief overview about Disclosure is provided. Finally, the subject of Agency Relationships in relation with undisclosed principal is examined. […]