Category: Political Science

  • Akinize

    Akinize in the United States Akinize (in Politics) Related to political science, the following is a definition of Akinize in the U.S. practice of politics: Attempting to diminish a political foe by likening his or her words to remarks on legitimate rape made by former Missouri Rep. Todd Akin […]

  • Akinize

    Akinize in the United States Akinize (in Politics) Related to political science, the following is a definition of Akinize in the U.S. practice of politics: Attempting to diminish a political foe by likening his or her words to remarks on legitimate rape made by former Missouri Rep. Todd Akin […]

  • Strict Construction

    Strict Construction in the United States An approach to constitutional or statutory interpretation that calls for a literal adherence to the law. The basic concept of strict construction is that courts should not engage in lawmaking through interpretation. Neither should they recognize […]

  • Bundlers

    Bundlers in the United States Bundlers (in Politics) Related to political science, the following is a definition of Bundlers in the U.S. practice of politics: Political fundraisers who can collect contributions from their networks of friends, family members and business associates and then […]

  • Bundlers

    Bundlers in the United States Bundlers (in Politics) Related to political science, the following is a definition of Bundlers in the U.S. practice of politics: Political fundraisers who can collect contributions from their networks of friends, family members and business associates and then […]

  • Repeal

    Repeal in United States Repeal Definition The abrogation or destruction of a law by a legislative act. A repeal is express, as, when it is literally declared by a subsequent law, or implied, when the new law contains provisions contrary to or irreconcilable with those of the former law, or […]

  • Repeal

    Repeal in United States Repeal Definition The abrogation or destruction of a law by a legislative act. A repeal is express, as, when it is literally declared by a subsequent law, or implied, when the new law contains provisions contrary to or irreconcilable with those of the former law, or […]

  • King of the Hill

    King of the Hill in the United States King of the Hill (in Politics) Related to political science, the following is a definition of King of the Hill in the U.S. practice of politics: A special rule in the House for sequencing different amendments. If more than one version receives a majority […]

  • King of the Hill

    King of the Hill in the United States King of the Hill (in Politics) Related to political science, the following is a definition of King of the Hill in the U.S. practice of politics: A special rule in the House for sequencing different amendments. If more than one version receives a majority […]

  • Barnstormer

    Barnstormer in the United States Barnstormer (in Politics) Related to political science, the following is a definition of Barnstormer in the U.S. practice of politics: To travel around the country or state making political appearances during a political campaign. The phrase was first used when […]

  • Cracker Vote

    Cracker Vote in the United States Cracker Vote (in Politics) Related to political science, the following is a definition of Cracker Vote in the U.S. practice of politics: Native Floridian white voters, whose families have typically lived in the state for generations. Former President Bill […]

  • Cracker Vote

    Cracker Vote in the United States Cracker Vote (in Politics) Related to political science, the following is a definition of Cracker Vote in the U.S. practice of politics: Native Floridian white voters, whose families have typically lived in the state for generations. Former President Bill […]

  • K Street

    K Street in the United States K Street (in Politics) Related to political science, the following is a definition of K Street in the U.S. practice of politics: K Street refers to the area in downtown Washington, D.C. where many lobbyists, lawyers and advocacy groups have their offices. It’s […]

  • Bandwagon

    Bandwagon in the United States Bandwagon (in Politics) Related to political science, the following is a definition of Bandwagon in the U.S. practice of politics: To follow a group that has a large and growing number of followers. A bandwagon is literally a wagon which carries the band in a […]

  • Bandwagon

    Bandwagon in the United States Bandwagon (in Politics) Related to political science, the following is a definition of Bandwagon in the U.S. practice of politics: To follow a group that has a large and growing number of followers. A bandwagon is literally a wagon which carries the band in a […]