Category: Political Science

  • Tickets

    Tickets in the United States Straight Ticket (in Politics) Related to political science, the following is a definition of Straight Ticket in the U.S. practice of politics: Voting a straight ticket is when a voter chooses all of the candidates of the same party. To facilitate straight ticket […]

  • Farley File

    Farley File in the United States Farley File (in Politics) Related to political science, the following is a definition of Farley File in the U.S. practice of politics: A Farley file is a log kept by politicians on people they have met previously. It’s named for James Aloysius Farley, who was […]

  • Farley File

    Farley File in the United States Farley File (in Politics) Related to political science, the following is a definition of Farley File in the U.S. practice of politics: A Farley file is a log kept by politicians on people they have met previously. It’s named for James Aloysius Farley, who was […]

  • Single-member District

    Single-Member District in the United States Single-Member District in the Legislative Process A voting district from which one person is selected in each election to represent all voters from that district. All members of the House of Representatives are now elected in single-member districts. […]

  • Single-member District

    Single-Member District in the United States Single-Member District in the Legislative Process A voting district from which one person is selected in each election to represent all voters from that district. All members of the House of Representatives are now elected in single-member districts. […]

  • Cherokee Strip

    Cherokee Strip in the United States Cherokee Strip (in Politics) Related to political science, the following is a definition of Cherokee Strip in the U.S. practice of politics: From the Senate historian: Occasionally one party maintains such an overwhelming majority that it has become […]

  • Cherokee Strip

    Cherokee Strip in the United States Cherokee Strip (in Politics) Related to political science, the following is a definition of Cherokee Strip in the U.S. practice of politics: From the Senate historian: Occasionally one party maintains such an overwhelming majority that it has become […]

  • Shivercrats

    Shivercrats in the United States Shivercrats (in Politics) Related to political science, the following is a definition of Shivercrats in the U.S. practice of politics: Shivercrats were a conservative faction of the Texas Democratic Party in the 1950s named for Texas Gov. Allan Shivers (D). The […]

  • Stump Speech

    Stump Speech in the United States Stump Speech (in Politics) Related to political science, the following is a definition of Stump Speech in the U.S. practice of politics: A stump speech is a standard campaign speech used by someone running for public office. The term derives from the early […]

  • Stump Speech

    Stump Speech in the United States Stump Speech (in Politics) Related to political science, the following is a definition of Stump Speech in the U.S. practice of politics: A stump speech is a standard campaign speech used by someone running for public office. The term derives from the early […]

  • Whistle-stopping

    Whistle-stopping in the United States Whistle-stopping (in Politics) Related to political science, the following is a definition of Whistle-stopping in the U.S. practice of politics: The practice of making political speeches or appearances in many different towns during a short period of time. […]

  • Expunge

    Expunge in the United States Expunge Background Resources See Also Legal Topics. POINT Further Reading (Articles) Criminal Law – First Circuit Holds Federal Courts Lack Jurisdiction to Expunge Criminal Records on Equitable Grounds, Suffolk University Law Review; March 22, 2008; Thornton, […]

  • Gerrymandering

    Gerrymandering in the United States Gerrymandering in the Legislative Process A congressional district drawn in an odd or unnatural shape in order to improve the electoral prospects of one party. The idea of a gerrymandered district is to create a safe seat in Congress by concentrating […]

  • Brokered Convention

    Brokered Convention in the United States Brokered Convention (in Politics) Related to political science, the following is a definition of Brokered Convention in the U.S. practice of politics: A brokered convention occurs when there are not enough delegates won during the presidential primaries […]

  • Brokered Convention

    Brokered Convention in the United States Brokered Convention (in Politics) Related to political science, the following is a definition of Brokered Convention in the U.S. practice of politics: A brokered convention occurs when there are not enough delegates won during the presidential primaries […]