
Actor in United States

Actor Definition

(Lat. agere). In civil law.
(1) A patron, pleader, or advocate. Du Cange; Cowell; Spelman. Actor ecclesiae was an advocate for a church; one who protects the temporal interests of a church. Actor villae wa? the steward or head bailiff of a town or village. Cowell.
(2) One who takes care of his lord’s lands. Du Cange.
(3) A guardian or tutor; one who transacts the business of his lord or principal; nearly synonymous with “agent,” which comes from the same word. The word has a variety of closely related meanings, very nearly corresponding with “manager.” Thus, actor dominae, manager of his master’s farms; actor ecclesiae, manager of church property; actores provinciarum, tax gatherers, treasurers, and managers of the public debt.
(4) A plaintiff; contrasted with reus, the defendant. Actores regis, those who claimed money of the king. Du Cange; Spelman; Cowell.

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Legal Issue for Attorneys

(Lat. agere). In civil law.
(1) A patron, pleader, or advocate. Du Cange; Cowell; Spelman. Actor ecclesiae was an advocate for a church; one who protects the temporal interests of a church. Actor villae wa? the steward or head bailiff of a town or village. Cowell.
(2) One who takes care of his lord’s lands. Du Cange.
(3) A guardian or tutor; one who transacts the business of his lord or principal; nearly synonymous with “agent,” which comes from the same word. The word has a variety of closely related meanings, very nearly corresponding with “manager.” Thus, actor dominae, manager of his master’s farms; actor ecclesiae, manager of church property; actores provinciarum, tax gatherers, treasurers, and managers of the public debt.
(4) A plaintiff; contrasted with reus, the defendant. Actores regis, those who claimed money of the king. Du Cange; Spelman; Cowell.


This definition of Actor is based on The Cyclopedic Law Dictionary. This entry needs to be proofread.




