Lemon Test

Lemon Test in the United States

Lemon Test

United States Constitution

According to the Encyclopedia of the American Constitution, about its article titled LEMON TESTtheLemon test is the three-part formula used by the Supreme Court to decide whether or not a government action violates the establishment clause. The first part requires that the government action have a secular purpose; the second part demands that the action neither advance nor inhibit
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Lemon Test

United States Constitution

According to the Encyclopedia of the American Constitution, about its article titled LEMON TEST in lemon v. kurtzman (1971) , the Supreme Court announced a three-part establishment clause test, under which a challenged government action, to be valid, must satisfy each of the following criteria: (1) it must have a secular purpose, (2) its “primary effect” must neither advance
(read more about Constitutional law entries here).

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