
Nationality in United States

Nationality Definition

Character, status, or condition with reference to the rights and duties of a person as a member of some one state or nation, rather than another. The term is in frequent use with regard to ships. See, generally, “Citizen;” “Denizen;” “Domicile;” “Naturalization.”

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Legal Issue for Attorneys

Character, status, or condition with reference to the rights and duties of a person as a member of some one state or nation, rather than another. The term is in frequent use with regard to ships. See, generally, “Citizen;” “Denizen;” “Domicile;” “Naturalization.”


This definition of Nationality is based on The Cyclopedic Law Dictionary. This entry needs to be proofread.

Concept of Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)

In relation to immigration and citizenship, Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) is defined as: An act of Congress that, along with other immigration laws, treaties, and conventions of the U.S., relates to the immigration, temporary admission, naturalization and removal of foreign nationals.


In Legislation

Nationality in the U.S. Code: Title 8, Chapter 11

The current, permanent, in-force federal laws regulating nationality are compiled in the United States Code under Title 8, Chapter 11. It constitutes “prima facie” evidence of statutes relating to Aliens and Nationality (including nationality) of the United States. The reader can further narrow his/her legal research of the general topic (in this case, Nationality of the US Code, including nationality) by chapter and subchapter.



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