
Effectiveness in the United States

Comparative Effectiveness Research in Health Care Law

A definition of Comparative Effectiveness Research is available here: Research that is federally sponsored to compare existing health care interventions to determine which works best for certain patients and which pose the greatest benefits and harms. The research also aims to improve the quality of care and to control costs.

Effectiveness (Bills of Lading)

This section introduces, discusses and describes the basics of effectiveness. Then, cross references and a brief overview about Bills of Lading is provided. Finally, the subject of Shipping in relation with effectiveness is examined. Note that a list of cross references, bibliography and other resources appears at the end of this entry.

Effectiveness (Security Agreements)

This section introduces, discusses and describes the basics of effectiveness. Then, cross references and a brief overview about Security Agreements is provided. Finally, the subject of Secured Transactions in relation with effectiveness is examined. Note that a list of cross references, bibliography and other resources appears at the end of this entry.



