Land Planning Law

Land Planning Law

American Land Planning Law Database

This is a database related to interests in and transfers of real estate, in the following material: General Treatises, Forms, and Practice Guides. A description of this real estate database is provided below:

Full text of the revised edition of American Land Planning Law, which examines the changing priorities in zoning and land use practices, focusing on the relationship between private activity and governmental power and analyzing more than 15,000 cases from all 50 states. The treatise provides case updates on such topics as exclusionary zoning, historic and commercial districts, landmark designation, and architectural review; discusses recent developments in the preservation of open space, state and regional land use controls, and impact fees; anticipates future judicial and administrative trends; analyzes commercial and industrial land use; and explains the administrative aspects of zoning and other legal controls.

Further information on United States legal research databases, including real property databases, are provided following the former link.