Prohibited Export-import Bank Financing

Prohibited Export-import Bank Financing in United States

Prohibited Export-import Bank Financing in the History of U.S. Economic Sanctions Imposed against China

Note: the status of this economic sanction is: Waived

Date of the sanction(s): DECEMBER 19, 1989

Notwithstanding other prohibitions on Export-Import Bank programs with China, Congress stipulated that unless certain conditions were met, the Export-Import Bank could not provide financing, credit, guarantees, insurance, or reinsurance for any trade with China. The sanctions could be waived if the President reported to Congress that China had implemented political reforms, including in Tibet, or the President determined it was in the national interest.

Sanctions by Authority:

Sec. 103 of the International Development and Finance Act of 1989 [P.L. 101-240; 12 U.S.C. 635 note]

Occasion(s) Detailed

See December 19, 1989, for waiver of sanction

Note: Based on the China: U.S. Economic Sanctions Report.


See Also