Workers Compensation Legislation

Workers’ Compensation Legislation in the United States


According to the Encyclopedia of the American Constitution, workers’ compensation legislation provides workers compensation for losses resulting from injury, disablement, or death when the losses result from work-related accidents, casualties, or disease. The legislation replaces tort liability with a schedule of benefits to workers.

Legal Materials

Worker’s compensation laws are published in each state’s statutes (see “State Statutes”) as well as in the State by State Guide to Human Resources Law.

Lexis has a database for all Federal and state cases and administrative decisions (WCSSD;WCCASE), all Federal and state cases (WCSSD;MEGAWC); all Federal cases (WCSSD;FDCTWC), all state cases (WCSSD;STCTWC), all state administrative decisions (WCSSD;ALLWRK), cases from individual states (WCSSD;xxCTWC), administrative decisions from individual states (WCSSD;xxWORK), etc. Lexis also hasLarson’s Workers’ Compensation Laws (WCSSD;LARWCL) and about ten state-specific treatises including the New York Workers’ Compensation Handbook(WCSSD;NYWCHB) and California Worker’s Compensation Law (WCSSD;CALCOM).

Westlaw has a database for the Federal Workers’ Compensation-Benefits Review Board decisions (FWC-BRB), each state’s Workers’ Compensation Law Reporter (xx-WCLR, or WCLR to search all states at once) and each state’s workers’ comp administrative decisions (xxWC-ADMIN, or MWC-ADMIN to search all states at once).

See Also

Labor Law
Workers Compensation

Workers Compensation Legislation (Maritime Workers Claims)

This section introduces, discusses and describes the basics of workers compensation legislation. Then, cross references and a brief overview about Maritime Workers Claims is provided. Finally, the subject of Personal Injuries in relation with workers compensation legislation is examined. Note that a list of cross references, bibliography and other resources appears at the end of this entry.