Prohibited Export Licenses

Prohibited Export Licenses in United States

Prohibited Export Licenses in the History of U.S. Economic Sanctions Imposed against China

Note: the status of this economic sanction is: Waived

Date of the sanction(s): NOVEMBER 21, 1989

Sec. 610 of the State Department Appropriations Act, 1990, prohibited the use of funds appropriated for the Departments of Commerce, Justice, State, and the Judiciary to be used to reinstate or approve export licenses for the launch of United States- built satellites on Soviet- or Chinese-built vehicles. The prohibition on export licenses could be terminated if the President certified to Congress that China had made progress on political reforms or if the President determined the issuance of licenses was in the national interest.

Sanctions by Authority:

Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1990 [P.L. 101-162; 103 Stat. 1038]

Occasion(s) Detailed

See December 19, 1989, for waiver of sanction

Note: Based on the China: U.S. Economic Sanctions Report.


See Also