
Participation in the United States

Participation in Prosecution (Impartiality)

This section introduces, discusses and describes the basics of participation in prosecution. Then, cross references and a brief overview about Impartiality is provided. Finally, the subject of Agency Adjudication in relation with participation in prosecution is examined. Note that a list of cross references, bibliography and other resources appears at the end of this entry.

Remote Participation in Court Proceedings

This section on the use of distance participation technology to conduct bankruptcy hear­ings and trials provides an overview of general considerations, and then examines separately the use of the teleconferencing and videoconferencing. Each district, and indeed each judge, must decide whether to use DP technology, and if so, how to use it.

Online Resources

The following JNet page includes detailed information about the AT&T Conferencing
Service available through the Administrative Office, including a teleconferencing
best practices overview (second listed link).

Four online publications from the Administrative Office provide important
background reading, and all of them are available at and
the more specific links below. Courtroom Technology Audiovisual Overview provides
an introduction to the audiovisual technology used in the federal
courtrooms. Its purpose is to provide technical information for readers who may
not be familiar with AV concepts and is a good source for help in understanding
standard audiovisual terminology. Additional guidance and standards are presented in
companion documents, the Audiovisual Infrastructure Standard, Audiovisual
Endpoint Baseline, and Design Narrative. Other useful online resources are the
design line drawings and the standard schedule for bankruptcy courtroom



