
Constitutionalism in the United States


United States Constitution

According to the Encyclopedia of the American Constitution, about its article titled CONSTITUTIONALISMConstitutionalism is a term not altogether congenial to American lawyers. It seems to share the characteristics of other “isms”: it is neither clearly prescriptive nor clearly descriptive; its contours are difficult to discern; its historical roots are diverse and uncertain. Legal
(read more about Constitutional law entries here).

Some Constitutional Law Popular Entries

Concept of Constitutionalism

In the U.S., in the context of the U.S. Constitution and Federalism, Constitutionalism has the following meaning: The concept that people should live under an agreement (a social contract) covering what the structure of government should be, what political processes will be followed, and what limitations shall be imposed on governmental power. (Source of this definition of Constitutionalism : University of Texas)



See Also

  • Constitution
  • Federalism



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