Sources of Contract Law

Sources of Contract Law in the United States

Sources of Law in General

It is a common misconception to think of the law as a set of rules written down in old, dusty books that show little change over time. Such a vision of the law makes it seem stagnant and inflexible. The reality, however, is quite different. Law in the United States is vibrant, adaptable and ever changing (albeit slowly). Statutes passed by legislative bodies such as the U.S. Congress and the various states’ legislatures are an important part of the law, as are decisions handed down by federal and state judges, and the regulations and administrative decisions of
state and federal agencies. All of these taken together make up what we commonly refer to as the law.

Author: Prof. Victor López

Sources of Contract Law: Main Elements

The coverage of Sources of Contract Law includes the following main elements:

Federal Law

Find out an overview of this topic, in relation to Sources of Contract Law, in the legal Ecyclopedia.

The Restatement and the UCC

There is information on this basic subject matter in this legal reference.


See Also

  • Contracts
  • Sources
  • Contract Law




