
Hornbook in the United States

Hornbook, Treatise and Study Aid

According to the Levin College of Law (University of Florida), a hornbook, “which is typically one volume, is a scholarly work that summarizes a specific area of law and is geared towards law students. It is a primer on the basics of that particular area of law. Hornbooks are sometimes condensed versions of longer works.

A treatise, which is often multi-volumes, is a scholarly work that covers a specific area of law in-depth. It often includes historical information and/or current trends in that field of law.

A study aid is generally a book on a specific topic of law that provides an overview of the area that is written for law students. There are a variety of study aids available, such as the Nutshell series, Examples & Explanations series, Understanding series, Sum & Substance series, and more.”

See Also

Study Aids
Hornbook Law
Legal Treatises
Law books
Legal encyclopedias
History of Legal Education
Law School success books
Law School Reviews

Hornbook in the Context of Law Research

The Thurgood Marshall School of Law Library defined briefly Hornbook as: A publication which provides detailed information about a certain area of law.Legal research resources, including Hornbook, help to identify the law that governs an activity and to find materials that explain that law.



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