Dual Federalism

Dual Federalism in the United States

Dual Federalism

United States Constitution

According to the Encyclopedia of the American Constitution, about its article titled DUAL FEDERALISMedward s. corwin devised the term “dual federalism” to describe a constitutional theory enunciated by the Supreme Court and by many commentators on the constitution at various times (and to various purposes) in the nation’s history a theory concerning the proper relationships between
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Concept of Dual Federalism

In the U.S., in the context of the U.S. Constitution and Federalism, Dual Federalism has the following meaning: The concept that the national government and the state governments are sovereign in their respective spheres of authority, with clear delineation of powers, programs, and resources. It is sometimes called the exercise of concurrent powers, or “layer cake” federalism. (Source of this definition of Dual Federalism : University of Texas)

Dual Federalism


See Also

  • Constitution
  • Federalism



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