Interpretive Releases

Interpretive Releases in the United States

Finding Interpretive Releases

Note: Be sure to check the currency, coverage, and status (official or unofficial) of all sources.

Not all sources listed on this entry contain all interpretive releases issued by the SEC, but the list on this page provides suggestions for where to look for interpretive releases.

  • SEC Interpretive Releases Page. The Securities and Exchange Commission occasionally provides guidance on topics of general interest to the business and investment communities by issuing “interpretive” releases, in which the SEC publish its views and interpret the federal securities laws and SEC regulations. In its page the SEC shows brief descriptions of and links to recent “interpretive” releases.
  • CCH’s Federal Securities Law Reporter looseleaf and the electronic version of the Federal Securities Law Reporter. After clicking on the link above, click on “CCH Business & Finance Research Network,” then on “Enter” and then click on the “Securities” tab.
  • SEC Docket, now published by CCH. Your firm library may have 1933-1973 releases on microfiche.
  • In Lexis: SEC Decisions, Orders and Releases (FEDSEC; SECREL)
  • In Westlaw: Federal Securities – Securities Releases (FSEC-RELS)




