Forest Service

Forest Service in the United States

Introduction to Forest Service

Forest Service, agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, established in 1905. The broad function of the service is to provide for the conservation and best use of the forest resources in the U.S. The service manages the national forests and national grasslands in 44 states, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Responsibility for the more than 77 million hectares (about 191 million acres) in the National Forest System is divided among nine regional offices. The service conducts research in forestry, the use of forest products, and wild-land management, through eight regional forest and range experiment stations and the Forest Products Laboratory at Madison, Wisconsin. In addition, the service provides technical and financial assistance to state agencies and private landowners to promote scientific forest-management practices. Forest rangers are responsible for the management and protection of districts of national forests.” (1)


Notes and References

Guide to Forest Service

About U.S. Federal Departments

Federal Departments, Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce, Department of Defense (including Department of Defense Purpose, Department of Defense Organization, Department of Defense Liaison of Command and Department of Defense Supporting Agencies), Department of Education, Department of Energy

(including Department of Energy Purpose, Department of Energy Organization and Department of Energy Research and Development), Department of Health and Human Services (including Department of Health and Human Services History and Department of Health and Human Services Agencies and Services), Department of Homeland Security (including Department of Homeland Security Organization and Functions, Department of Homeland Security Origins and Department of Homeland Security Supporting Agencies), Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Justice (including Department of Justice Functions, Department of Justice Structure and Department of Justice Associated Agencies), Department of Labor, Department of National Defence, Department of State (including Department of State Administration and Department of State Bureaus), Department of the Air Force, Department of the Army, Department of the Interior (including Department of the Interior Functions and Department of the Interior Principal Agencies), Department of the Navy, Department of the Treasury, Department of Transportation, Department of Veterans Affairs (including the Department of Veterans Affairs Service Categories, Department of Veterans Affairs Benefits Available and GI Bill of Rights) and Department of War.




